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A/N - holy shit. two years since the last update. It brings me so much joy knowing people are still reading this. we still have about six months but this year marks 4 years since i started this story. basically i just want to thank you all so much for the support you all continue to give me. im struggling to figure a way to continue this story, but it doesnt feel right ending it where i left off. i still feel like i should torture the boys a little more lmao. i just cant stop thinking about when we hit 1k reads, and now we're at 30k. it seems like a dream. hopefully i'll still have all of your support going forwards ! now, on to the chapter. 


December 26, 9:18am

Jeno wakes up, sunlight blinding him through the window, a warm arm thrown over his bare chest and soft puffs of breath hitting the side of his face. He looks over and an overwhelming feeling of affection fills his chest at the sight of Jaemin, fast and peacfully asleep next to him. With great timing, Jaemin starts to scrunch his face and wakes up slowly. "Mornin'."

"Goodmorning baby," Jeno whispers, kissing Jaemin on the forehead. "Anything you wanna do today?"

"Christ Jen, gimme like 5 minutes to wake up before you start talking to me," Jaemin sighs, bringing his hands up to rub his eyes aggressively, attempting to rub the sleep out of them. He exhales and opens his eyes once again. "Okay I'm good now what did you say?" When he didn't get an answer, Jaemin looks over and sees Jeno nearly choking on laughter. "What's your problem?" He asks, a smile creeping up on his lips as well.

"I just didn't expect you to be so mean in the mornings," Jeno chuckles, sitting up and leaning over to kiss Jaemin softly. When the older boy pulls away, he sees Jaemin staring at him, open-mouthed and starstruck. 

"Sorry?" Jaemin says, almost like a question, still dumbfounded at the unexpected kiss. Jeno snorts.

"You're perfect, stay gold Jaemin," Jeno just shakes his head fondly and gets out of bed to stretch and grab a bottle of water on the dresser. Jaemin was immediately attention to his partner- all shirtless and lean and hot. Jaemin had never really taken the time to appreciate and admire Jeno's body. "You like what you see?" The older boy teases, smirking at Jaemin before taking a swig of water. Heat rushes to Jaemin's ears and he laughs nervously.

"Of... Of course I do," He stammers.

Jeno strides back to the bed, sitting on the edge near Jaemin and leaning over the boy. Jaemin can feel his heartbeat pounding in his ears and wonders if Jeno can hear it too. The young boy closes his eyes in anticipation, Jeno's face getting closer to his by every second. And suddenly, confusion is written across his features and his eyebrow knit together. Jeno's finger was on the corner of his mouth, wiping. "You started drooling."

Jaemin gasps, his eyes shooting open as he grabs a pillow and smacks Jeno with it. "I was not! Oh my god-" He yells while Jeno just laughs, knocked over in Jaemin's lap from the force of the pillow.

"I'm messing with you baby."

"I know you are! No way I'd ever drool over you!" Jaemin exclaims.

Jeno sits up abruptly, "You see, I'm not sure about the accuracy of that statement considering I clearly recall you drooling because of how good I made you feel last night," He teases, putting his chin in his hand, pretending to ponder. 

"Shut up! Shut up shut up-" Jaemin cries, his face getting even redder as memories rush back.

"Make me."

Jaemin freezes, taken aback, not sure what to say. 'That's what I thought,' Jeno thinks before continuing, "Remember how tightly you gripped my hair when I-" And suddenly a hand is on the back of his neck and Jaemin's lips are firmly pressed against his. Jeno smirks against Jaemin's lips before crawling into bed and on top of the smaller boy. 

'This is gonna be fun.'


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