Chapter 2

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The headmaster greeted us as we landed and he looked a bit angry with me. "Aya, I was very worried. You shouldn't have rushed off like that." He stated. I hung my head. "I.... I know Headmaster Gaepora, but I...." I said, stuttering. "I know you're worried about Zelda. But we all are. Link is awake now and should be in his room." He said.

"Did he say anything?" I asked. "Yes... He said that she was swept away by a black tornado. He also said that she had been talking about a world below the clouds." He said. "Pipit and I saw the tornado.... But a land beneath the clouds? That's ridiculous." I said.

"Well, let's just not worry too much about her. If it's true, then she might be okay. I can only hope...." He mumbled, then turned and walked back into the academy. I followed and Pipit stayed behind to do his nighttime rounds.

It had been almost an hour when I suddenly heard a door open and quick footsteps heading past my door and down the hall. I peeked out and saw a flash of blond hair and a strange glow. I rubbed my eyes, but the glow was still there, this time accompanied by a faint female voice, seemingly directed at the person in the hall. I saw that the person was Link and watched as he began to climb the steps. I stepped out of my room and quietly closed the door behind me, my curiousity getting the best of me.

I silently followed Link as he went outside and headed towards the Goddess Statue. The strange glow was still there, but no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't see the source of it. As we reached the statue, Link ran around the back of it.

I stopped and stared at the statue, when I suddenly heard a strange voice in my head. "It's nearly time. You must become the angel he so desperately needs..." it said. "W-wha...? Who? Link....?" I asked the voice. "No.... Another misguided man." It uttered. "Another misguided man? But who? A name, I need a name!" I yelled a little too loudly. "He is called-" the voice started to reply, but was cut off and a bright blue light shined from the Goddess Statue. I covered my eyes and ran closer to the statue, cutting around the back and seeing a room that I didn't even know existed.

Headmaster Gaepora ran up next to me and his eyes widened. "It can't be..... There's no way...." He muttered as he ran into the room. I followed, not knowing what else to do. Link stood in front of a pedestal with a sword in it. I had never seen the sword before. The same blue glow was emanating from the sword, and above it stood, or rather, floated a feminine being. I didn't know what or who she was, but she was speaking to Link. She was trying to persuade him to pull the sword from the pedestal. Link looked uncertain and turned around, jumping when he saw me and the headmaster. I looked at the headmaster too.

"You are reluctant... Then I shall disclose some information that will surely change your mind. The spirit maiden, honorable Zelda, is alive." The female said. We all turned and looked at her, shocked. "Does that information invigorate you?" She asked Link, almost tauntingly. She turned to the side and motioned towards the sword. Link walked closer to it and touched the hilt lightly. "If you wish to see the spirit maiden again, then I highly suggest you take this sword with you." She stated. He nodded slightly and gripped the swords hilt and pulled it free of the pedestal, holding it in a skyward position. The female went still for a moment. "Recognition complete. Master.... Master Link. My Master..." She said. Link looked at her, confused. "Fi.... What?" He said quietly. Some sort of vision hit me like a rock and I fell to my knees, succumbing to it.

I saw a strange man in a red cape and with white hair. When he turned to face me, he looked just as confused as I felt. I began to speak, but I wasn't controlling my words.

"Ghirahim.... You'll get to meet me soon and I'll save you... But first... You have to save me. We have to be each other's light."

He began to speak, but the vision faded away and I didn't hear what he said. Link was shaking me by my shoulders, the sword on his back in a leather sheath, with the spirit- Fi, I think it was?- hovering behind him. "Aya?! What happened? Are you alright?" He asked. I placed my hands on his wrists to still his shaking and smiled at him. "I'm fine, it was just some sort of vision, with a man I didn't recognize. He looked really strange, wearing this red cape and with his hair covering half of his face... I called him by his name, apparently, but I can barely remember what it was." I said, rubbing my head. "Ghirahim...." Fi muttered. I looked at Fi in recognition. "Yeah, that's it! It was Ghirahim. That was the man's name." I said, a little too excitedly. She turned her head away and made a "tch" sound, then disappeared.

"What else happened in the vision?" Link asked, shaking me gently for emphasis. "I was spewing some nonsense about us saving each other and being each other's light...." I explained. "Wait a second... That sounds like...." I muttered.

Fi reappeared. "Master, do you wish to look for honorable Zelda? If so, come back to the pedestal." She said. He nodded, then released his grip on my shoulders. He walked back to the pedestal and I watched. "Raise your sword skyward to charge it with heavenly light, than swing your sword to deliver a powerful Skyward Strike and hit that crest." She instructed, motioning to a crest that looked like a bird. Link did as she instructed and the crest began to spin and glow. It began to raise from the floor revealing a little piece of stone with a green gem on it. Another crest rose from the ground and Link did another Skyward Strike, revealing what seemed like an area to place the stone in. He retrieved the stone tablet and placed it into the slot. It glowed and Fi nodded. "It is done. Now I suggest you go and get some rest before venturing out to find the spirit maiden. You too, Aya. You are more involved in this ordeal than you could ever know." She stated. Link sheathed the sword, and Fi disappeared again. Link walked over to me, helping me up. We left the room and headed back to academy, the headmaster following.

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