A Cold Summers Morning

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Splashing the chilled water that rested in the bowl onto my face, waking my tired self-up enough to groom myself to be presentable and tidying my bedroom. Brushing the linins smooth, feeling that rough texture against my fingertips, the sheets were not comfortable, but it was thick enough to keep away the cold air from chilling my bones in the early morning. I don't mind the cold morning weather, it's a lovely change from the heated summer days. It's not very hot here to be with but the sun always seems to make anything too hot quickly. Over time with living Henri, the man that had adopted me.

Henri Belmont... He is a very odd man. He is quite an attractive man, standing taller than most but that does not mean that he is twig like. Henri stands at 6'5 with a muscular build but a lean muscular, if he was a shorter fellow many could mistake him for a weaker man but with this height, he seems to stand tall like a well-grounded tree. Seeming to be able to withstand strong winds and heavy storms, as if nothing could knock him to the ground. His hair was like burnt amber, this deep brown but not black, when the light hit his strands it seemed to light up like liquid honey. The long shoulder length hair looks so soft and smooth to touch as if you would be running your finger through clouds or at least feeling as if you touched the finest silks around. His eyes are such a pale blue colour, I'm not sure how to describe it... Just this beautiful blue. His eyes light up with emotion easily and it seems as if they change with those emotions, never just staying this pale colour. Henri's skin seems to be some other thing completely, he's not tan, however, is it pale, it's a nice middle ground as if he's always moving between being inside and staying out in nature for hours, yet I don't think I've ever seen him out when the sun is high in the sky. His skin was just sun-kissed, clear of any imperfection beyond a beauty mark under his eye, in the middle of the sensitive skin as if he just shed a lone tear or perhaps had a fleck of blood permanently stained there.

Henri tended to dress in earthy colours, he had many brown and black coloured suits. When he wasn't wearing suits he always had a buttoned-up shirt with a waistcoat matching his form-fitting pants with knee-high riding boots. He preferred to be dress informally at home and that tended to venture out in his daily life, whilst he worked he tended to have a relaxed sense of style no matter where he went or if he was talking to guests of noble origin. Henri's voice was a nice and deep with a rough undertone yet whenever he spoke it was as if he had honey stuck in the throat, everything was sweet and thick, it's like he always speaks to underdress the one he's speaking to. It seems as if he could talk someone into just about anything and I know he could talk many of people to join him in his master bedroom. They always seemed to be dazed as they left, with a flush on their bodies and dressed as if they had to leave in a hurry. Only a few had returned bi-weekly for another rump in the sheets with Henri.

Others seem to just vanish after spending a night with the tall man, whenever I asked Henri would just say "They left while you were still sleeping" then he'd ruffle my hair and return to what he was doing before I asked.

However,  this was when I was younger over the years I slowly stopped asking because it had become the norm for me to see as some guests just vanished, not to be seen by me again. Maybe they still came by the manor, but I must have been busy with my many studies or I just didn't care to take note of them at the time. This being because Henri had many guests rotating through the manor.

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