A Bloody Flashback

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Everything was a blur, the sounds echoing were muted, any feeling he had in his body was overcome with the sensation coming from his neck, Conrad felt as if something was sucking his blood, he could feel it leaving his body, he was laying on a bed that was comfortable but the wet and warm feeling clinging to his shoulder made slightly uncomfortable. The blonde could hear the slight sucking noise seeing as it was in his ear, though everything was muted to him the pain and the sound seemed to stand out to him, he has felt this before. The spot may be different, and the sucking slow, but this was something he's felt before when he was first adopted by Henri something similar happened when he was attacked by the "dog." He wasn't waking for the first bite, but the pain from the aftermath was still there, but again it was slightly dulled.

Conrad couldn't move, his limbs felt heavy like he could barely lift them, not only that but there was a weight on his chest, more apparent than the feeling and pressure in his limbs but he felt as if someone was sitting on his chest. Whomever or whatever was on his probably intended to kill him, Conrad knew this, if not subconsciously. The blond started to panic, his heart began to race as he eyes flickered under his lids. He suddenly was back in that garden without Henri, Conrad could see the sun setting just over the hedges, he could smell the fresh flowers and the overall nature scent from the freshly watered garden. As Conrad walked throughout the garden, the wind licking at his skin, as he walked deeper in the garden feeling the same childlike wonder he first had as a kid.

But he knew better, he remembered this moment in time. The hair on Conrad's neck stood on end, the paranoid feeling of being watched. He could feel the stare on the middle of his back, where his younger self-stood but as he stood in the memory of his past he isn't that same little kid anymore, Conrad quickly snapped his head in the direction that the feeling came from. He stood still as he stated at hollow and eerie yellow eyes, the eye followed him as he lightly swayed. The fear crawling up his spine, like spiders running under his skin. Conrad could feel the sweat pooling on his forehead, he was breaking out in cold sweats.

"I'm okay, I'm better than this, I'm not afraid..." Conrad whispered under his breath, trying to give himself some confidence, this was just a memory or hopefully just a dream. It, however, was not, and he knew this, Conrad really did know this, but that didn't change the fact that he wanted it to be. Conrad screamed as the piercing teeth stabbed through his tender flesh, the oddly heat searing pain that surrounded the bite only added to the pain. He could feel his heart pounding as the blood was pulled, or rather sucked, from his body. The creature only bite harder, letting out a twisted growl that the blond could feel just rattle his bones.

His vision flashed white as his body and knees felt weak, he buckled under his own weight that was added by this hulking thing attached to his shoulder. Conrad let out a broken sob as he tried to push the thing off him, but he wasn't strong enough, all efforts were in vain. All it did was add to the pain, and it seemed to encourage the creature, it bit harder, and it pulled the blood out of him quicker. It was a beast and Conrad was just too weak to fight the things at his young age, he had no muscles, he just wasn't strong enough.

The blond felt as if he was dying, and he very much was. He was about to pass out from blood loose when the creature was very harshly yanked off, ripping the teeth from Conrad's skin in the proses. It left a more significant wound, but having that heavyweight pulled off gave Conrad just enough movement to clutch the side of his neck, gripped at the injury as he whimpered from the pain. The wound was big, his clothing was ripped near the wound, and no matter how much pressure he applied to the wound, he was just too weak.

He could feel himself on the verge of passing out, or perhaps in his mind, die. Through his blurred eyes, he saw a tall figure with dark hair, pin the creature to the ground by its neck, growling just as deep, if not deeper than the beast itself. Conrad did not see much of anything as his vision faded and he blacked out due to blood loss.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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