Entry One

9 2 0

October 5, 1721

I was about nine when I first noticed something amiss, he was always there. Just standing. Always just there, out of the corner of my eye. Whenever I turned to get a better look at the man, he was never there. I guess I picked up the out of sight out of mind mentality. This seemed to work for me, for a short time... My mother always had me doing things around the house, helping her peel potatoes, washing the clothes or folding them. Mother was a servant for a noble family, so that meant I also worked for the family. Just to a lesser degree.

I was friendly to the family's children, the daughter always giggled and smiled around me whereas the son always stonewalled me or just plain ignored me. Mother thought it was cute, she used to brush my hair out of my face and say the daughter had a crush on me. I didn't understand why she would have one, I was considered lower than her, in status terms. If she wanted to be with me, she'd have to either leave her higher-class family or take me as a lover of sorts. I never understood, and I still do not.

I didn't worry about the man for a time, not until mother went missing and the Family could no longer care for me seeing as I was not one of their servants and the lord of the house did not wish to take on an 11-year-old at the time. So, I was sent to an orphanage. I was there for about 2 years until I was adopted by this man and for a time and things were fine that was until just after my 16th birthday...

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