September 23rd, 1728 part 2

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Conrad stared out the side window of the carriage, only half listening to the ramblings of his adopted father, out the corner of his eye he could see Henri's hands moving lively whilst he talked. The blond just continued to look out the window grumbling to himself as he felt the bumps from the road, the movement from the horse running, vibrating through carriage affecting the wishful thinking of a smooth ride to their destination. Conrad wasn't particularly happy to be dragged to his birthday party at one of Henri's "friends" home. He'd much rather stay home shut away in his room the day, to wanting to celebrate his birthday. The bond always preferred to have a quiet birthday when he was with his mother and at the orphanage, but ever since he's lived with his adopted father, the older man always wanted to have a big party with all his friends. Conrad didn't really like Henri's friends, and they always had this weird feeling to them. Always watching to see what he'll do as if he was entertainment to them.



"Conrad!" Henri yelled at the blond, finally getting his attention.

"What is it?" The blond asked, wincing at not only the yelling but at the glare Henri gave him.

"We're here try to act at least more excited, will you?" The older male grumbled as he turned to leave the open door of the carriage. Conrad just signed to himself as he followed his adopted father out, as soon as his feet touched the ground Henri reached out and ruffled his hair affectionately. Smiling at his adopted son as he did so, dropping his hand to rest it on the shoulder of his smaller companion. The blond was used to this treatment seeing as his adopted father liked to point out the height difference between the two. The pair started to walk to the front door of his friend's mansion, stopping now and then to thank some of the fellow party guests wishing Conrad a happy birthday. As they walked up the stairs, Henri turned to his adopted son and started to fix and groom the young blond curled hair, in an attempt to look more presentable. Conrad, however, was trying to interrupt the older males grooming, raising his arms to try and block the brunette's hands.

"Henri... please stop your embarrassing me" Conrad mumbled as a light dusting of colour settled on his cheek and tip of his ears. Henri seemed just to think it was adorable, finishing up the grooming of his son's hair, he finished by just gently tugging on a single strand. Conrad does love showing affection, however, not so much in public. That and it's his adopted father giving him affection on the date that he is considered a man, having his adopted father treat him like a kid in front of a large number of people, was embarrassing. Henri tilted his head to the door, motioning them to start moving again as the door opened for the two.

As Conrad stepped into the entryway, he marvelled at the grand feeling it had. The two sizeable grand stairways that attached to the second floor had a gothic style to it, the dark wood of the flooring and stairs being a contrast to the pale blue carpet that rested on the stair themselves. There were two tall and French styled floor lamps that were matching to the large chandler that hung into the middle of the room. As Conrad's eyes moved and studied each detail that made the place, Henri started to walk to the ballroom, leaving the blond just standing there.

"H-hey!" Conrad yelped as he ran after the older man. "Don't just leave me behind..." the blond finished ending with a mumble.

"It's not my fault you got distracted," Henri chuckled.

Conrad frowned at the older man, twitching slightly "That doesn't mean you can just leave me."

"I would have called you over, at some point." The brunette said in a matter of fact way. Reaching over and ruffling the younger male's hair, as the pair walked into the ballroom. Conrad's eye widened as he looks around the massive ballroom, seeing the mass of people in that one room. The ballroom was decorated, overly decorated with ribbons and the long dinner tables with food and other items. Conrad could tell that this party wasn't really for him, people were in groups only talking to each other, ignoring him as he stood in the doorway. People did, however, notice Henri, some of the attractive women there were whispering to themselves, staring at the older male standing next to him. A brave woman started to make her way to us. She had long blood red hair wearing a gold floor-length dress, she, for the most part, stood out in the crowd and Conrad could tell that she captured Henri's attention. The younger man could just tell by how Henri shifted next to him, how he sucked in a breath.

"Would you look at her" Henri purred from his spot. Conrad didn't even need to look at the brown-haired man to tell that he was leering at the redheaded woman.

"You wouldn't mind if... I just so happened to leave you for a minute...?" Henri was taking his time as his eyes raked up and down the woman, and she could tell she was going to at least have a better time tonight. Conrad didn't get a chance to reply seeing as Henri left with the redhead clinging to his arm as they walked deep into the crowd, getting lost in the sea of bodies. Conrad just sighed as he walked to the refreshment table, scowling at the thought of his adopted father thinking with his penis. Of course, rather than staying with his son at his birthday party.

Please  do tell me what you think c:

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