My Father's Ring

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Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

On the following day, I decide to go to the library and get me a copy of the book about angels. It was entitled " Angels, Gods Secret Agents." By the Reverend Billy Graham. I find myself a seat at the back of the library and start reading the book that Rachel had brought to class. I suppose I had been in the library for about thirty minutes when I looked up and standing in the doorway and wearing is a beautiful smile was my Rachel. I continue to read my book that for some reason it is really intriguing and every word is like honey to my soul. I suppose Rachel had been standing there for several minutes but for some reason, I couldn't pull myself away from the book it was as if I was the cold unformed steel and the book had a magnetic force drawing me in and under its power. I could sense her presence in front of me, but I was completely powerless to do anything to change my course. The book is tilted forward by an unknown force and as I look up I see Rachels index finger at the top of my book. Her blue eyes no longer captivate me as the did on the first day, they have now been replaced by something so intriguing yet indescribable. She speaks up and says, "remember me?" I look at her like a lovesick puppy and say, " Rachel, it is a real pleasure to see you again under better circumstances. " she responds by saying, "I see you're reading one of my favorite books and how do you like it?" " it is absolutely mesmerizing, to say the least." She gives me a heartwarming smile as she says, " why don't we get together real soon and try another date I am sure we both deserve another try." I knew that was as close as either one of us was getting to a real apology, so sometimes it best to take what you can get. " here is my number, call me next week and we will meet up." I returned a smile and knew in my heart at that moment, somewhere in the future we would be together as husband and wife.
Rachel had arrived home from the library after talking to Bart with a sense of uplifting encouragement as she thought about him. On her first meeting, she felt as if he was one of the guys that had a one track mind straight to her goodie box, but maybe there is some hope for him. " I will have to admit he does have those boyish good looks and just maybe there is more to him than meets the eye and as the good book says, " Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths, so maybe I will just let God take it from here." She steps into the shower preparing for bed as her landline begins to ring that was until it was picked up by the answering machine. She finishes her shower and as she walks into the bedroom the light on the answering machine is blinking green. She pushes the button and the message begins to play, " Hey Rachel, this is Bart and it was really nice seeing you today and if you were willing I would love to go on another date and promise to be a good boy. I will leave it up to you so just let me know." She stands there wearing only a pink towel around her and comes to realize that this may be Gods way of directing her path." She looks up and says, " thank you, God."
On the following day, Bart has, a strange feeling that someone is going to call. He believes he hears the phone ring on several occasions, but every time nothing. The phone finally rings as he runs to the living room in a mad dash thinking it was his Rachel. He picks up the receiver and answers in the sexiest voice he can muster up on such a short notice. He assumed it was Rachel but to his dismay to voice was not hers when she says, " oh', you sexy man do you know how wet you make my panties when you talk like that?" "Oh', Aunt Joann it's you? I hope you are doing well." She replies, " I know you missed me as much as I have missed you. I dream every night of how wonderful you were between my legs and a would love to drive up for some private time with you. " He nervously replies, " I miss you to aunt Joann but right now is a bad time since we're in the middle of finals for the semester."
"I understand maybe after finals I could come to see you? And by the way, have you been receiving the money I have sent you for your education?" " Yes, I have and appreciate it so very much." She replies, " you can show me how much it is appreciated when I come to see you." " Let see how things go before we make a lot of plans because I know how busy your work schedule is and my class schedule is so chaotic right now. She departs with an " I love you, Bart." The phone is still in his hand as he says to himself, " isn't that my luck just when I think I am off of her hook she reels me back in and if I say no she just might cut out my financial assistance. I do know I love my Rachel and couldn't cheat on her even though we have not become, sexually involved but how to handle Aunt Joann is another story. Like the good book says the spirit is willing but my flesh is weak." He lays on his bed pondering his predicament until he finally falls off to sleep.
On the following week, Bart is sitting in the cafeteria having his lunch when Rachel walks up and gives Bart an encouraging pat on his shoulder. She sits down beside him and lays two to tickets down in front of him. He looks down, picks up the tickets and says, "I can't believe my eyes two tickets to the Billy Graham Crusade this coming Saturday at the college how did you ever manage that? I can't wait until Saturday. " He hugs her and gives her a gentle peck on the cheek. They were both so excited they really didn't know what to say. Saturday finally arrives and as he is preparing for the evening, once again his phone rings. He picks up the receiver and its no other than Aunt Joann. She says, " what are your plans tonight? Would you like some intimate company?" "Aunt Joann its always a blessing to hear from you, but tonight another student I am in class with has invited me to Billy Graham Crusade at the College." She replies Billy Who? " I recently read his book called Angels, Gods secret Agents and Rachel got us tickets to hear him speak." She replies, " it seems that Saturday night is out, huh?" Bart says, " not necessarily why don't you come up and go with us? I am sure that she should be able to get you a ticket too if you're game." The phone goes silent for a few minutes as she thinks to herself, " I have always been a bit bi-curious so maybe this could be a night to remember." She hears Bart saying, "Aunt Joann, are you there?" She answers, " I would love to go with you and who knows maybe after the concert we could catch up on some old times." Bart and Rachel are patiently waiting for Aunt Joann to arrive at his apartment. The doorbell rings and there she stood looking as beautiful as ever, with her low cut blouse showing off her very voluptuous chest and her thigh-high skirt. She runs to Bart and gives him a loving hug followed by a lingering, but passionate kiss. Rachel was quite surprised because her belief was always those type of kisses were reserved for girlfriends and wives. Joann than grabs Rachel and gave her a similar kiss minus the lingering and passion. She heads to the restroom while Bart and Rachel wait for her. It was then Bart says, " that is just Aunt Joann she has always been that way. In about fifteen minutes they are in their way to a Billy Graham Crusade even though Aunt Joann has no earthly idea who or what he is, or what he does. They arrive in about twenty minutes and struggle to find a parking place. They finally find a place to park and as they head to the auditorium Joann gabs Bart by the arm and lays her head on his shoulder as they walk toward a line that has already formed and headed toward the entrance. They walk
through the gates and find their seats on about the seventh row from the bottom. They are all seated as the music begins to play. It is George Beverly Shea singing a traditional hymn that even Joann remembered from church when she was a child. The Reverand Billy Graham comes to the stand and reminds everyone in the audience they are not here by accident and tonight your life will be changed by a miracle of God. Joann looks at him standing there and thinking, " What a magnificent man!"

The End of Chapter Seven

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