My Father's Ring

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Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

The crusade continued for the next hour and at the end of the crusade, the Reverand Billy Graham asked anyone that wanted to give their life to Christ to step forward by an act of faith and there would be counselor's to assist them with their decision. Barts' hands begin to tremble as the invitation is given to the audience. His presence seemed to be a bit uncomfortable as his tears are beginning to swell up in the corners of his eyes. Many people are standing to their feet and walking toward the front where counselors await them. Joann sits there in amazement as she watches Barts every move. He grabs a hold of the back of the chair in front of him, as his resistance seems to be weakened by the minute. He finally stands to his feet and makes his way out of the aisle toward a line of people walking toward the front. Joann grabs him by the hand and says to him, " what in the world are you doing? This is not like you please think about this first." He continues to walk down the aisle with great conviction and tears pouring down the cheeks of his face. He then turns to Joann and says, " I am going to give my life to Christ, and I wish you would come with me and do the same but if you don't I am still going and turning my life around." The stand there momentarily looking at one another, Bart with the conviction of the holy spirit and Joann with the look of confusion and disbelief. She then looks at Rachel and says, " talk to him, he's making a complete fool of himself. Why would anybody think religion would change anything it's just a bunch thou's, shalt not's, and rules, to follow to become a religious zombie." She says to Joann, " do you know you can also give your life to Christ?" Joann stands there with arms across her bountiful chest watching Bart as he walks toward the front and is greeted by a counselor. In about fifteen minutes he returns to his seat in the spirit of joy and a newness of life. He immediately grabs Joann and gives her a hug and a kiss but she pulls back a little bit feeling quite strange at his behavior. He then gives a big hug to Rachel along with a kiss on her cheek in a flurry of excitement. This kiss was much different from the night they had their first date it was a kiss in Christian love and her heart knew it. They were both excited about his decision he had made but Aunt Joann had a completely different take on the entire experience. They make their way back to Bart's apartment where Joann's car was still parked. They arrive and Joann says to them, " I would love to spend the night but I really need to get back home. Bart, now you give Aunt Joann some sugar so I can hit the road. He gives her a kiss and she realized instantly it wasn't like the other times he had kissed her in the past. She thanks Rachel for a wonderful evening as she exits his apartment.
She sits in her car for a few minutes puffing in a cigarette and talking to herself, " wow! What a night! This was quite different then what I had planned in my mind, but it's over and my Bart will be back to his normal self before he realizes it." She starts the car and heads back home yet obsessively think about the events that had transpired in the evening. She finally arrives home, grabs her purse, and noticed that someone had left a copy of the book " Angels, Gods Secret Agents." On her seat but she just let it lay in her car for the next week.
Barts graduation is fast approaching as she considers what to get him for his special occasion. One day out of the blue as she is cleaning out her car she comes across the Angel book. She picks it up and thumbs through the pages, but for some reason, she begins to read it mostly out of curiosity. In about twenty minutes she was still reading the book which seems to mesmerize her with each page she finishes.
One night Bart and Rachel are at his apartment preparing popcorn for their weekly movie being how by this time they are actually in an ongoing relationship with one another. The popcorn had just finished and Bart is pouring it in a bowl when the doorbell rang. They look at one another and in unison and say, " now who could that be on a Thursday night?" She giggles and says " isn't that funny we were thinking about the very same thing?" Rachel opens the door and there stood Barts Aunt Joann with tears streaming down her face. Bart sets the popcorn down and rushes to the door with great concern for his Aunt Joann. She stood there with a red nose and tears emanating from her eyes and down the cheeks of her face. He says, " come in and what's wrong?" She was clutching the Angel book and says, " can you show me how to change my life?" Rachel speaks up and says, " we certainly can, Bart go get your Bible." They walk over to the sofa and sit down while Bart locates his Bible. She is sitting between each of them as Rachel opens his Bible and begins to speak about Gods plan of salvation. " The first thing that everyone must accept is that we are all sinners, and only God can save us through his son Jesus Christ. One thing we must do is ask God for forgiveness and as Jesus to come into our lives are you willing to do that at this very minute?" Joann nods her head and says, " yes I do." She then says the sinner's prayer and is forgiven if her sins. She jumps up from the sofa with a great excitement about her decision. They all hug one another as they welcome her into the family of God. Joann then says, " I only have one regret that my brother and his wife isn't alive to experience this joy with me." they all have a good cry but later sit down and watch the movie Guess who's coming to dinner." The evening finally concludes and they all retire to their separate rooms for some sleep.  During the night Joann becomes a little sick and can be heard in the bathroom throwing up and she figured it was something that didn't agree with her stomach since it was quite nervous.  In the morning as their all sitting and eating breakfast together Joann has to leave the table and use the restroom when she returns Rachel ask, " are you ok? I heard you up last night too." She says, " I am sure it's nothing probably just the stomach flu or something such as that, you know how those things go around. " The next few months they don't hear much from Joann accept for the payments he receives for his tuition for college. She calls them from time to time but before they realize it he is approaching his graduation. Bart and Rachel have been dating for almost four years and though there are struggles in their lives they are very happy with one another. On several occasions, they had discussed their plans after, college but as they say, nothing is set in gold. Bart begins to worry a little about his Aunt Joann seeing how after she had a life-changing event from that night they haven't heard much from her. The day of their graduation is fast approaching and the excitement seems to be building until the day finally arrives. Everyone is seated when each and every person walks across the stage and receives their diploma for a Bachelors degree. Joann is sitting in the audience with the guest that had accompanied her for the trip. Rachel made her way to her parents, while Bart made his way looking for his Aunt Joann which was the only family he had to watch him do what no one else had ever done; achieved a college education. Aunt Joann was so very proud of him and she knew his father and mother would be watching from heaven. She stands up as he approaches her, gives her a hug and kiss as she introduces her guest to him.

The End of Chapter Eight

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