4. Where's Liv?

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Elliotts POV

Walking into the squad room, I see my captain..and munch..and fin..and no Liv.

"hey capt wheres Liv?" I shout across the room.

"hasn't clocked in yet, if you see her tell her I need word" he answers walking into his large office.

I take a seat at my desk, reading through our new case, rape, of an 17 year old near central park.  victims at mercy hospital.

"Capt, im gonna go interveiw this victim, ill swing by Livs on the way, see if shes gonna make an appearance.."

I say heading out of the squad room.
Don Cragens (captain) POV

I mean its not like Liv not to come in, shes here even when shes sick, I have to send her home most of the time. if shes not coming in she would have called. shes got a good few vacation days, but she still would call, wouldn't she?

Olivias POV

I dont know where I am, my hands are tied with a peice of rope and my feet are tied together somehow,its dark, and I cant see, I have a peice of duck tape on my mouth. its really dark..I think im in a trunk of a car. but its not moving... I hear foot steps approaching on gravel outside,  I pretend that im asleep..The trunk opens, and a hand reaches down and grabs my legs tossing me over their shoulder. his shirt smells of some sort of cologne, its smells real nice. my head slowly banging his back as we walk his words repeating in my head '.your not the only one..your not the only one...". I open my eyes to find that we are heading towards a large factory of some sort its huge..they'll never find me in here..Elliott where are you, I need you..


its about thirty minutes after Elliott left the precinct, he shifted his feet as the lift rose to Livs floor, getting off, he walked quickly to Olivias apartment,  he raises his hand and thumps twice of the door.


Olivias neighbour opens her door "Elliott, I was wondering who was thumping Olivias door.. now Olivia had a man over last night, tall man, quite muscly,  good looking lad with black hair, heard screaming, open the door she has her arms wrapped around him, he said they were messing around! didn't hear her leave this morning though, thought she might have had a you know, good night.."

Elliott stood there, puzzled "Black Hair?" he asked "Mrs Morris, did he have any scars?"

"oh..yes, dear under his eye, cant remember what side im getting old see dear."

"thanks" Elliott forced out "but he wasnt her date.." as he turned and kicked the door..
**slam** the door sprung open Elliott drew his gun and entered his partners apartment.

her bed was a mess, there was a strong smell of burning and alcohol covered her sheets. there was blood in the bathroom sink and bath. her wardrobe was thrown everywhere.

"jesus.." Elliott muttered as he dialled Cragens number "captain shes not here, but her place..its trashed."

Within half an hour the apartment building was flooded with CSUs, Crime Scene Techs, Detectives and NYPD officers. There was an APB out for a missing NYPD detective.

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