7. please dont..

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contains description of rape


Olivias POV

my head hurt, my legs hurt, my body ached, and my arm was covered in blood. blisters im sure rest beneath my silk pajama bottoms, causing me pain as the material rubs against the fresh wounds. blood no longer run from my arm. it's all crusted over although I still can't move it, it's too painful.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ when Olivia woke she was strawn out on the floor. a pool of blood under her head, she slowly crawled propping herself against the wall her legs straight out trying to ease the pain. Looking around she notices that she's not in the same room as before, now she was in a room thats quite large, incredibly cold, it has a small bucket and a small mattress in the corner of the room. her leg is once again is attached to a chain that is attached to the floor. in one wall there is a huge iron black door. all around there are chains and rings for them to be attached to. Olivia looks around for anything, a way out, a window, some food. nothing but tall concrete walls and a huge door. in the corner she notices a tiny figure "Mia" she whispers.  the small child stirs before running over to Olivia, as Olivia pulled her in for a hug. "Olivia" Mia said, somewhat with a hint of disbelief. "I thought you were dead" she said staring into Olivias eyes "I heard you shouting"

"im sorry sweetheart" olivia said holding her.

then the door opened. "Hello, Livvy." charles smirks.

"what do you want" olivia said, standing up, hiding Mia behind her.

"Are you ready for the big event" he laughed slyly. Looking her up and down.

Olivias POV

I know what he means, I know exactly what he means.

my heart feels as if it will burst out of my chest.

I feel Mia's tiny hand slide into mine, I feel her shaking. I have to be strong, if not for myself, for her. "you can't do this with her here" I tell him "shes four, she cant see this. it will affect her! she'll never get over it" I plead.

its stupid, right? he is going to rape me, and Im not even trying to change that. I won't beg and plead him not to, Im stronger than him. besides thats what gets him off. my fate is sealed but i can save Mia from that, she cannot see this. "fine,  Get Here!" he orders Mia. "what are you doing with her?" I ask "dont worry, I wont hurt her" "go on get out" he pulls Mia from behind me, she starts to cry "olivia please don't let him take me..NOOOOOO!" she sobs. "dont leave me..Olivia please" she screams.

I cant help but want to hold her and tell her she doesn't have to leave, but she cant see this, what he's going to do.

"please, stop" I say taking Mia from his grip.

"listen to me sweety, because I need you to do something for me." Taking her hands. "honey I need you to go sit outside, because something bad is gonna happen, and I dont want you to see it because..because your young and this, "I glare at Blake. "this is something you shouldn't see..ever"

"is he going to make you scream again?" she said her eyes filling with tears.

"she knows I will" he sneers behind me.

" shut your mouth" I reply to him, without looking at him.

"baby, listen, because this is important! you are much to young to see,  or hear, what is going to happen. and I need you to keep your ears covered and no matter what you hear,  you cannot look, please..promise me you wont look."

Mia nodded " I promise" she whispered. "will he hurt you?"

"yes, he will"

Mia threw her arms around olivias kneck, and began to sob. "I dont want him to hurt you again" she wailed

"shh..shhh, ill be ok, as long as you do as I say, I promise I will be just fine." Olivia said holding the little girl.

Mias POV

then the bad man pulls me outside, I hold my teddy tightly. he sits me just outside the door. cuffing my leg to a chain. I push myself against the wall. the bad man is going to hurt olivia. "would you like me to leave the door open" he says talking loudly.

"No, you can't!" I hear olivia shout from inside the room. he goes into the room, I hear them shouting then thud, like something hitting the wall, I cant hear olivia anymore.

"do you want the door open" he growls

I nod,  keeping my head down "yes please.." I whisper..'

Olivias POV

he threw me against the wall, i sat holding the back of my head. I can feel the lump starting to form. my eyes go whizzy for a little while.

thats when he comes back in..

"get undressed" he demands

I stand frozen, his words piercing me like daggers. I cant move,  fear? or defiance?

my body physically wont move. his words dance in my head.

"take them off" he growls into my kneck. "or you could swap, you for Mia?"

thats it, I have no choice, everything I had, the small power I thought I had was gone..

I remove my shirt..then my pants. until I was stood in my underwear.

he slid handcuffs onto my hands and threw ne onto the mattress. I fight back but its useless. he ties my arms above my head causing huge amounts of pain due to my shoulder, and ties my leg to another chain.

he laughs as he takes a candle and burns my underwear off..I close my eyes. tight.

Mias POV

I hear him laughing,  but I dont know what for.i want olivia to hug me.  but she sent me out here. she said I cant see it.. I hug teddy very tight.

I hear him whispering. I hear olivia cry "Olivia" I gasp, I want to look, to check if shes ok. "im fine baby, honestly, please don't look!, cover your ears sweety" I do as she says. I still hear her screaming, but its like shes trying to stop herself.

hes shouting at her, "bitch" hes calling her, telling her to look at him.

I need to check if shes ok, I slowly poke my head around the corner. hes on top of Olivia, she doesnt have her clothes, I look at her face, her eyes meet mine, "please" she mouths. I turn away quickly, I dont understand, I cry, holding my teddy,  I want olivia to hug me, to tell me everything will be fine. I want my mommy and daddy. I want to go home.

Olivia POV

she saw what was happening, she didn't understand I could see it in her eyes. she looked away so quickly.

pain thats all I can feel, my body aches as he thrusts forcefully inside me. I want to die. my arm is killing! I hear him laughing and shouting "what would Elliott think now, you hoe" "what would your team think, huh?"

I ignore him, I cant form words, I cant move, im in so much pain.

my mind drifts, I recall every victim, telling me their stories, except, its my head on their shoulders..I shake the pictures from my head.

it feels like hours has past

"im done, for now." he lays on me crushing me under his weight" he sits up straddling me. he grabs my shirt and wipes his sweaty forehead in it. After he gets dressed he undoes my arms and legs and allows me to get dressed. I ache. all over. he pushes me against the wall "tell me you enjoyed that, because I did" he panted in my ear "that was worth the wait..."

continue or no?

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