Yep, Im back

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Saint Anderson

"Bitch I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Seven yelled being mad extra

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"Bitch I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Seven yelled being mad extra. "Girl we work with each other. We see each other every day." I said and she sucked her teeth. "That don't count. I can't tell you the shit I be wanting to tell you cause them noisy hoes." She said causing me to laugh.

"Aww but what's new?" I asked while grabbing a twizzler from the bag. "Nothing really, just lonely depressed. In need of some dick." She said causing me to laugh.

"Your a mess." I said shaking me head yea yea. "How's everything on the home front?" She asked me. "It's good honestly. Jordan seems to be calming down a lot and focusing on basketball while Jalen and Londyn want to model." I said and her eyes guy big.

"Omg let them do it !" She said. "I was thinking about it but I don't have any connects and don't really trust Instagram people." I told her and she nodded her head.

"I was thinking about writing Hillary since she is a model." Seven just nodded her head. Hillary was the third amigo when it came to us. She went to Clark with us but left to Cali after she graduated to focus on her modeling career.

"Daddddy home!" I heard Troy loud ass voice causing me to laugh. "Oh my gosh is that the mysterious G?" Seven whispered. Shaking my head no her mouth dropped. "Bitch you have another nigga walking in G house talking about daddy's home? Oh you bold!" She yelled causing me to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Gionni asked while walking in the living room giving me a hug. "Ew you smell."'I said teasing him.

"Whatever." He said obviously hurt about my comment. "Aw I'm just playing baby." I said grabbing his face and giving him a kiss. "Excuse me still here!" Seven said.

"Oh yea, Seven this is G and G this is Seven." I said introducing them.

"And I'm your future husband." Troy said sliding in down on the couch next to Seven.

"Yo Saint why you ain't tell me your bestfriend looked this good?" Troy asked while biting his lips looking at Seven.

"Ew because she don't want you." I told home scrunching his face.

"Uh speak for yourself! This man is fine!" Seven said causing me to shake my head at them two.

"Where the kids?" G asked.

"Londyn at her friends house , Jordan has basketball and Jalen upstairs." I said.

"Since when Londyn has friends?" He asked while laugh. "Don't make fun of my sister!" I told him.

"What you cooked for a nigga I'm hungry." He said placing his face in the crook of my neck.

"How does steak, mash potatoes and corn sound?" I asked. He nodded his head and kissed my forehead.

"Im bout to take a shower have my shit cooked by the time I'm done." He said before getting up. Looking for Seven I didn't even notice she left. Shaking my head as I was making my way to the kitchen the doorbell went off.

Opening the door I was face to face with this hating as bitch. Before she could say anything I decked her right in her face. She had this shit coming. I was sending blow after blows to this bitch face. No hair pulling over here.

"YO WHAT THE FUCK." I heard before I was being pulled off. "Dumbass bitch what happened to all that shit You was talking on the gram huh?" I yelled as G pulled me into the house.

Just as he put me down homegirl cane charging in the house. Running around G, I grabbed home girl by her hair and slung her to the floor stomping the bitch out this time. "Dumb ass bitch! Stop fucking with me!" I yelled I stomped her ass.

"Let me fucking go!" I yelled as G put me behind him. "CHILL THE FUCK OUT SAINT!" He yelled in my face then turned to help Alexis bum ass up.

"What the fuck You doing here?" He asked her. She ain't say anything. "Cause niggas been saying you got this bitch and her orphan ass siblings living in here! I wanted to know if it's true!" She said.

"DONT TALK ABOUT MY SIBLINGS SUCK MY DICK!" I yelled at her and G looked at me. "What's going on here ain't any of ya business. You and me both know you was a quick fuck." He said and the bitch started crying.

"Exactly was a quick fuck! Meaning my man don't need you overused pussy anymore! He to busy drilling mine hoe! Now get the fuck out my house!" I yelled.

"Fuck you! G you gonna let her talk to your babymother like that?" She asked causing me to laugh.

"Yea I done heard it all. Get that bitch out my house." I told Gionni calmly as I walked up the stairs to take a shower. My whole mood was fucked up.


Grabbing Alexis arm I dragged her out the house closing the door behind us. "Fuck you talking about? Babymother? We ain't got no kid." I said looking at her trying to hold in my laughs. Saint really beat her ass.

"I'm fucking pregnant idiot! And you let that bitch put her hands on me! I'm suing her dumb ass. That little shop of her soon be mine." Alexis said while smirking.

"Congratulations. That could be any nigga in Atlanta's baby. Call me in nine months for a DNA test." I said before leaving her dumbass there. Sighing I went upstairs to Saint's bedroom.

"You took out the trash?" She asked and I just laughed at her. "You fucked her up." I said while pulling her towards me.

"What was ya talking about ?" Saint asked. Biting on lips I shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing." I said lying through my teeth.

I didn't feel necessary to tell Saint she was pregnant. I wasn't sure that baby was mine and me and Saint just got right. I don't need shit going left already. And as for her suing Saint she wasn't on shit. She the one in the wrong. Don't send threats then accept shit to be sweet when you come to the persons house.

"Every time I see that bitch it's on sight." Saint said causing me to smirk. "You look sexy ass fuck when you mad." I said kissing Saint.

"Yea yea imma go make dinner now." She said walking out the room. "About time!" I yelled.


Seven and Troy?
Saint beat that assssssssssss 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
G keeping secrets oooooh

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