Make me better

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"So am I going to be a sexy step mommy or what?" I shouted while holding my umbrella as dumb and dumber walked out the hospital

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"So am I going to be a sexy step mommy or what?" I shouted while holding my umbrella as dumb and dumber walked out the hospital. I could already tell by the G's facial expression he's was nervous. "Yo what you doing here?" He asked all nervous causing me to laugh.

"Am I or am I not going to be a sexy step mommy?" I asked again while looking at the two of them. "We get the results in two weeks" G said and I just nodded my head. "Why the fuck you explaining shit to her?" Alexis had the nerve to say. "Bitch because you made it my business when you walked ya ass in my shop popping shit. So shut the fuck up." I spat coldly. I was honestly sick of this bitch and prayed this baby wasn't G's.

"Anyways tell the bitch goodbye and let's go." I told G causing her to suck Her teeth. "Um no he was my ride her." She said smirking. "Well you better Uber your ass home. G not taking you home now let's fucking go G!" I yelled and this time he followed me.

"You really crazy." He mumbled as he closed the passenger door for me. "Didn't I tell you not to come? How you even get the address." He asked while driving. "I took it from your phone." I told him and he ain't say anything. I don't know what the fuck his problem was. I wasn't about to me spiteful towards a baby. If it's his baby we have to be grown about the situation.

"I'm hungry." I said out loud. Twenty minutes later we were pulling up to the waffles house. "How many people?" The lady asked while flirting with G as if I wasn't standing right there. "Bitch two." I rudely said. "Yo you good?" G asked as we sat down and i just ignored. Grabbing the menu to look for what I want to eat.

"Saint?" I heard causing me to look up from my food. "So this is why you stop fucking with me?" Julian asked while looking over G then back at me. Swallowing the piece of waffle in my mouth I giggled. "Boy please we both know why I stopped fucking with you." I said causing him to suck his teeth. "Yo my nigga you can go now." G said interrupting our conversation.

"Ignore him." I told Julian. "How's everything though Saint? I be seeing you looking good as fuck on instagram." Julian said causing me to blush. Before I could say anything G had decked Julian causing him to fall. Once he decked Julian he placed a hundred dollar bill on the table and walked out the restaurant. Embarrassed I quickly followed after him. The whole ride home was quiet.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I yelled as soon as we stepped foot in the house. Of course he ignored me and walked up the stairs. Following behind him a continued on yelling. "WHY WOULD YOU PUNCH HIM GIONNI ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID!" I asked and he quickly turned around.

"NO ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? YOU GONNA HAVE THAT NIGGA IN MY FACE FLIRTING AND SHIT LIKE YOU AINT USE TO FUCK HIM!" He yelled. "You being insecure as fuck! WHATS THE REAL PROBLEM GIONNI?" I asked and instead of answering he grabbed and and started to kiss me.

Kissing back we both quickly started taking off our clothes falling on to the bed. Gionni soon started kissing down my neck. Biting down on my lips I quickly grabbed his face giving him a passionate kiss. "Lay down." He said. Doing as told I soon felt my underwear's being taking off and my legs being spread apart.

Seconds later Gionni tongue was all over my pussy catching me off guard letting a loud moan escape. Grabbing on to the sheets I bit down on my lips as Gionni pulled me down closer to him and softly maneuvered his tongue all around my pussy. "Fuck!" I yelled feeling as my pussy began to throb. Placing my hand on his head to slow down so I wouldn't cum so fast that only gave him the courage to go faster.

"I'm gonna cum!" I yelled unable to handle the pleasure I immediately started to release all on Gionni tongue and he licked up every bit. Falling down on the bed I started to catch my breath.

"Saint I'm tired of arguing. I don't know why I keep fucking up and doing dumb shit. I really am trying. I want to be with you that's know doubt. Just help, make me a better man. For real baby i don't know what you doing to me but you got me going girl." Gionni said. Biting down on my lips I nodded my head and gave him a kiss before then we both fell asleep.

Saint a sexy step momm?
Oooop no he didn't punch Julian
Opppp they nasty 🤣🤣🤣

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