My life

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Biting the inside of my cheek I patiently waited in the car for Gionni

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Biting the inside of my cheek I patiently waited in the car for Gionni. His mother asked for him to get some ice before coming over. I was nerves as fuck. Today was going to be the day I meet Gionni's mother and the rest of his family. He talks so highly of his mom and I'm nerves she might think I'm so hood rat ass bitch.

Looking out the window my eyes popped outside of my head. Out of all days why did I have to see this man. I promised myself when I saw him I was going to put hands and feet on his bitch ass. Unbuckling the seat belt I calmly got out the car marching over to him. "SO YOUR BITCH ASS THINKS ITS OKAY TO PUT HANDS ON MY SISTER!" I shouted causing all the men on the corner to look my way.

"Who she talking to?" One guy asked as I got closer and closer my heart began to beat faster. "OH SO NOW YOU AINT GOT SHIT TO SAY HUH?" I asked as I was now face to face with the bitch ass nigga. "Damn you look better then your mother." He said causing me to deck him right in his shit. "You fucking bitch!" He spat while charging at me. Kicking him in his dick he quickly fell to the floor holding on to his dirty ass dick. "YOU FUCKING PIG ASS NIGGA! I SHOULD FUCKING KILL YOU!" I yelled as I began stomping him with my 4 inch Christian Louboutins. I didn't care who was watching or who was around this night deserved this and much more.

"I HOPE YOU FUCKING ROT IN HELL! THIS AINT OVER!" I shouted as I felt G pick me up and carry me back to the car. "Calm down!" He whispered in my ear. Catching my breath I got inside the car. "Why did you just beat that old ass man up?" G asked while laughing. Looking out the window I quickly wiped the tear that escaped.

"Saint are you crying?" G asked. Not able to hold it in anymore I started crying my eyes out. Everything was just hitting me at once. "I try and act like I'm put together and I have this perfect life but it's far from perfect G." I said crying my eyes out. Pulling over G grabbed my face and started wiping my tears. "Talk to me Saint what's going on with you." He asked looking in my eyes searching for answers.

"He-he ra-raped me.... and Lo-n-dub!" I shouted while crying into his chest. I was to embarrassed to look G in his eyes after saying that. Immediately G pulled me on his lap pulling me into a hug. "You good now Saint. I promise I won't let nothing bad happen to you or Londyn ever again, ma you have my word." He said grabbing my face and whipping the tears. "I'll die before I let a motherfucker hurt ya. Ya family now." He said then kissed me.

"If you don't want to go to the funeral I'll just stay with you my moms will understand." He said. Shaking my head no I climbed back to the passenger seat. I wasn't about to be selfish and allow him to miss his favorite cousins funeral. "No I'm a big girl, I'm good we're going to the funeral." I told him. Nodding his head G grabbed my hand kissing it while pulling off.


The funeral was finally over and we had just pulled up to my moms house. Looking over Saint was knocked out. Little mama looked so peaceful I ain't want to wake her up. I honestly contemplated on wither I should have just went straight him but my moms would have killed me. Gently waking Saint up "We here." I told her and she pulled the mirror thingy down in the car fixing her self up. "You ready?"i asked and she nodded her head as we both got out the car.

"David!" My grandmother yelled as I walked through the door. Giving her a hug I stepped back "Saint my grandmother, grandma Saint." I told her and my grandmother immediately pulled her into a hug. "Oh my gosh David she's beautiful!" My grandma said.

"Thank you so are you." Saint said. Grabbing her hand I pulled her towards the kitchen where my moms was. I honestly was nerves as fuck for them to meet. Licking my lips I saw my mother talking to one of my aunts. "Ma I want you to meet someone." I said.

"Oh my David she's gorgeous!" My mother said catching me by surprise. "I'm Gloria this fools mama you must be Saint." She said pulling Saint into a hug. "Oh shit moms met Saint!" Troy screamed coming into the kitchen. "Boy stop all that screaming!" She said rolling her eyes at Troy. "Saint how about to help me finish prepping the food. David you and Troy go somewhere." She said pushing us out the kitchen. Sucking my teeth I gave Saint a kiss and walked down to the basement we're all the men were.

"Yo why I heard Lester got his ass beat up by some chick on the corner earlier." Troy said causing me to get heated. "It was Saint." I told him and he just started laughing. "Fuck you mean it was Saint? The same Saint who fucked you up?" He asked still laughing and leaning on me. Sucking my teeth I moved and he tripped.

"Yes nigga Saint. He did some fouls shit to her and Londyn so it's clipped for him." I said causing Troy to stop laughing. "What you mean?" He asked. Sometime I swear Troy was the dumbest nigga alive.

"He being put in a body bag sooner then he think." I said as I sparked the blunt and finally Troy caught on. Watching Saint break down and hearing what that nigga did to her and Londyn had me read to murk his ass in broad daylight. He lucky I had my fucking cousin funeral to get to. But on my mama I promise the next time he see me he won't be too lucky. He better start counting his hours cause shit soon come to an end for him.

"Nephew that's you upstairs?" My uncles asked snapping me out my thoughts I nodded my head yea and smiled. "Okay I see you playboy." He said and I just laughed. Pulling out my phone I opened Instagram and posted a picture of Saint.


Liked by sevenheaven, lolothebaddie and 6,745 othersGfuckedyobitch babygirl harder than a lot of you niggas respect 🌎😌💙

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Liked by sevenheaven, lolothebaddie and 6,745 others
Gfuckedyobitch babygirl harder than a lot of you niggas respect 🌎😌💙

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Alexissky you should be worrying about your fucking baby
TrizzyT oh shit is that mayweather? 🤣🤣🤣
Saintnolaurent 😘😘😘

LMFAOOO Saint fucked that old friend up
Saint broke down.
Her and G so cute right?😩😩😩😩
Mama G likes Saint? 👀👀😂
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