Chapter thirteen

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Hey guys! First off sorry for posting this chapter late so yeah

Warning: Smut

Also if you are uncomfortable about reading it, just skip down to (An Hour Later) to continue the story

So yeah and also I tried with the smut here since this is my first time writing smut for this fandom so yeah



Chapter thirteen

After kissing each other for a few minutes, Tinky Winky slowly pulled back and moves down to Walten's neck, placing light kisses and licks along his neck. Walten let out soft moans and leans his head back, giving Tinky Winky more room while moving his hands down, rubbing his chest.

Letting out a low purr, the purple tubby slightly looked around before finding a good spot and suddenly sank his sharp teeth into the junction of Walten's neck and shoulder, causing him to let out a loud gasp of pain and arches his back, tightly gripping Tinky Winky's shoulders. The purple tubby softly suck on the bite mark and let out a louder purr when he tasted the delicious blood before removing his teeth and gave the mark a lick, tasting more blood while Walten gave out a soft moan and shivers a bit.

"T-Tinky" Walten stutter out as he reached up, rubbing his left ear. The sudden touch made Tinky Winky flinched and let out a pleasured growl as he nuzzles Walten's chest, enjoying the gesture. Hearing the growl, Walten reached up to rub his other ear with a small smile. 'Cute' he thought with a small giggle before quickly blushing when he felt something hard poking his thigh.

Letting out a low grow, Tinky Winky pulled away and suddenly pulled Walten into a rough kiss while grinding his hips against the white tubby's causing him to let out a loud moan and instantly kissed him.

After a few minutes of grinding, both of them were fully hard and Tinky Winky let out a low growl as he pulled away, leaving Walten panting for air.

The purple tubby was tired of the teasing, he want his mate NOW!

Tinky Winky reached down, gripping the back of the smaller's knees, almost breaking skin and started lifting him over his own shoulders while Walten's face and ears became bright red from the feeling of exposure and tightly grips the bed sheets below, feeling himself getting nervous since it was his first time, but he knew that Tinky Winky wouldn't intentionally hurt him.

Sensing his mate's nervousness, Tinky Winky leans down and licks his cheek with a comfort purr. "Hehe, I trust you" Walten softly told him as he cupped Tinky Winky's cheek before leaning up and gently pressed his lips against the other's and smiles when he felt the purple tubby kiss back before slightly tensing up when he felt the tip press against his entrance and forced himself to relax and leans back against the pillow.

Tinky Winky leans down and placed a kiss on the bite mark making Walten softly moan out at the sensation which the purple tubby quickly took advantage and started pushing in, letting out a low growl from the sudden warmth and tightness. "Ngh!" Walten let out a small whimper and tightly gripped on the bed sheets, clenching his eyes shut from the sudden pain. Tinky Winky let out a low grunt, pushing in until he was fully in and forced himself to keep still, slightly trembling.

'He's so big' Walten thought with a blush while softly panting as he was slowly getting used to the full feeling. He slightly move his hips a bit before letting out a soft moan which caused Tinky Winky to let out a low groan before he slowly thrusts in and out, making sure to not harm his mate.

But instead of feeling pain, Walten started to feel pleasure and let out louder moans and gasp at each thrust. "T-Tinky...Ah~" Walten moan out when the purple tubby found his prostate and started hitting it at each thrust, still moving slow. "F-Faster~" Walten softly begged as Tinky Winky looked slightly surprised before slowly quickening his pace. Purring louder, the purple tubby lowered Walten's left leg making them moan out at the change of angle and placed his hand on Walten's hip before doing a sharp thrust in making the white tubby let out a short scream of pleasure.

Why? (Walten x Tinky Winky) (Wattys2019) (Discontinued/Might be rewritten?)Where stories live. Discover now