Chapter nineteen

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Whoa! Sorry for the long wait on here xD

But yeah



Chapter nineteen

"What do you mean I can't see him?" Walten asked with a frown, looking slightly annoyed.

Letting out a sigh, Miles leaned back against the chair, slightly tapping his fingers on the surface of the desk, "I mean that ever since the infected woke up, he had been hostile to everyone and nearly bit two when they tried to get close" Miles explained.

"Then let me go in there, he won't hurt me" Walten told him but Miles shook his head, "Denied, I can't afford that chance" Miles told him in a stern tone. "Please Miles, I know that Tinky won't hu-" "I SAID NO!" Miles yelled out, slamming his fist on the desk, interrupting Walten as well as making him jump at the sudden move.

There were silence for a few moments before Miles let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair before leaning against the chair, "I'm....sorry Walten, but its too dangerous for you to get close to the infected" Miles slowly said "You and Ron are like my little brothers and I can't..." he trailed off as he looked away, but Walten instantly understood what he was saying and walked around the desk and placed his hand on Miles' shoulder.

"Miles, you'll just have to trust me" Walten started saying, "I know that Tinky won't hurt me on purpose and if something DOES happen then I'll have a tranquilizer with me just in case if that makes you feel better" he added with a smile.

Miles furrows his eyebrows for a moment before standing up, standing two feet taller than Walten. "For now, I'll think about it but I don't want you near the infected right now until they become less hostile" Miles finally told him in a stern tone.

Walten gave Miles a hard stare for a few seconds before sighing and nodding, "Fine..." he somberly said making the General sigh before gently patting the white tubby's head. "I'm sorry" Miles sincerely apologized which Walten nodded with a smile before walking out of the office.

Once Walten was out, Miles let out a long sigh before sitting on the desk, rubbing his face a few times, lost in thought. Then he reached into the drawer of his desk and pulled out a picture and looked at it.

In the picture, there were two tubbies that were around ten and eleven years old, One tubby was colored emerald green and the other tubby was colored sky blue, but the strangest thing about the second tubby is that he have robotic parts while the first tubby have a simple soldier helmet and a black scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Oh Noo Noo....what happened..." Miles mutters to himself as he felt his chest tighten for a moment before suddenly pulling the picture away when the door opened, revealing one of the female scientist.

"General Miles" she greeted as Miles stood up straight. "Yes Dr. Rose" he greeted back.

She was holding some papers in her hands and walked up to him, "We have discovered some disturbing things" Dr. Rose softly said as she handed the papers to Miles, whom took it and looked through them before his eyes widen a bit in shock before looking at the scientist. "Are you SURE these are correct?" he asked which she nodded, "We've checked it three times" she told him making Miles clench his jaws a bit and looked down at the papers.

"What do you want us to do sir?" she asked.

It took a few moments for Miles to think about it before making his decision, "Take him to the lab" he said making the scientist nodded and quickly walked out, leaving Miles to his thoughts.


'Like I'm going to listen to him' Walten thought as he was quietly sneaking pass random people as he made his way to observation room.

Even though Miles had told him no, Walten was persistent and knew that he wouldn't be harmed. He simply couldn't wait to see Tinky Winky.

Soon he finally made it to the room and listened in, his ear twitching a bit trying to pick up any noises, but he didn't hear anything and took it as a sign and started picking on the lock since he doesn't have the key to open it. After a few tries, he managed to unlock it and quietly stepped inside and closing the door behind.

He was in a small room with a window on the other side of the wall and quickly walked towards it, looking inside.

Inside the room, there was just a simple bed and a single barred window that was close to the ceiling and the room was barely lit, but Walten didn't see the purple tubby anywhere in the room and frowns a bit.

'Did they take him somewhere' he asked himself before pulling away and walking to the door, quietly unlocking it and soon opened it and stepped inside.

Once inside, Walten looked around. "Tinky?" he called out as he took a few steps inside. For some reason, the fur of the back of his neck was standing up a bit which he doesn't know why since he shouldn't be afraid, but he did feel something.

Licking his lips a bit, Walten took a few more steps and took a glance at the bed, noticing that it wasn't even used and wondered if Tinky Winky even slept since arriving and got worried.

But before he could think about it more, he let out a yelp when he was suddenly tackled down onto the floor with a strong hand gripping both of his wrists and another hand gripping his neck as well as a menacing growl was heard.

He quickly snapped his eyes open to see that Tinky Winky was above him, baring his fangs and looking threatening.


Dun Dun Duuuun!

What you think will happen xD

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

Why? (Walten x Tinky Winky) (Wattys2019) (Discontinued/Might be rewritten?)Where stories live. Discover now