Chapter thirty

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Also remember, there's a reason behind Walten's reaction to the news so yeah

So yeah



Chapter thirty

There was silence between them for a few minutes as Walten was taking in the new information as he was unknowingly started to tremble and slowly going into a panic.

'W-What!? Me pregnant!? How!' he thought as he started to curl up, barely realizing that Dr. Rose started to panic and tried to snap him out of his shock. 'I'm a fucking man?! How can I get pregnant and why did no one tell me this important information!?' he slightly curled up even more as he breathing becoming faster. 'How will this affect me and the baby with the father is infected!?'

But before his panic got worse, Walten suddenly felt something warm wrapped around himself before whiffing a familiar scent that instantly calmed him down and soon moved close to the familiar warmth.

Dr. Rose was completely backed away at the door when she was watching Tinky Winky comforting Walten when she noticed that the white tubby was about to go into a panic attack though she was slightly surprised that the purple tubby quickly woke up when Walten unknowingly let out a scared whimper from the back of his throat.

She mentally took notes of that before quietly stepped out of the room, letting them be and when she closed the door behind her and turned around, she jumped back in surprise when she was faced with a small group.

"H-Hello General Miles" she quickly greeted him before yelping a bit when Miles gripped her shoulders and looking worried. "What happened? Is he okay?!" he nearly demanded, slightly shaking her which she couldn't blame him. She let him shake her for a few moments before removing his grip on her shoulders. "Miles!" Noo Noo quickly slapped the back of his head, "Just calm down first before asking her" the cyborg said as Miles slightly pouted before taking a few deep breathes, slowly calming himself down.

"What happened?" Miles asked once again in a calmer tone.

Dr. Rose stared at him for a few moment before sighing and soon cleared her throat. "Well" she started to say as she glanced down at her clipboard before looking back up. "Fortunately, Walten simply fainted and it's nothing too serious" she told him, "Okay, but what caused him to faint then?" Miles soon asked.

"The reason he fainted is because he's pregnant" Dr. Rose simply told him while mentally smiling when she saw the group's reaction to the news.

Miles' and Noo Noo's expression was complete shock with a hint of concern from Noo Noo while Dipsy's expression was indifference, but Ron's expression was complete understanding, like he somehow knew what had happened as his hand was slightly ghosting over his stomach.


Miles did the only thing that could be appropriate in the situation and haven't done it since he was only a soldier.

Miles fainted.


It nearly took him ten minutes to finally calm himself down before opening his eyes, which he didn't realized that he had them closed, and found himself being gently held along with a tongue being brushed against the back of his left ear every few seconds which calmed him down even more.

"Mm...T-Tinky?" Walten softly said, feeling the tongue stop before feeling the other nuzzling the side of his neck, causing him to slightly giggle while hearing Tinky Winky softly purr. "I'm fine...." Walten softly told him as he slightly turned around to face the purple tubby before cupping his cheeks. "See?" he said with a smile though Tinky Winky kept looking over him with an analyze glint in his eyes for a few moments before slowly nodding. "Safe..." Tinky Winky mutter out before leaning down and nuzzling the other while softly pressing his hand against Walten's stomach which made him realize something.

Walten remembered the first time Tinky Winky had his hand pressed against his own stomach, but at the moment, the white tubby didn't really think much of it and pushed that thought away.

"How did you know?" Walten asked him in a curious tone as Tinky Winky stared at him for a few moments, "Scent changed" he simply told Walten. "Oh...." Walten was a bit amazed at the new information, 'His sense of smell is higher than a normal tubby' Walten thought before quickly shaking his head, pushing that thought away for later.

Soon Walten slowly sat up while pushing Tinky Winky off, receiving a grunt from the purple tubby. And as soon as he sat up, he turn to the doorway when he heard it open and revealed to be Dr. Rose.

"Hey Dr. Rose" Walten greeted her with a small laugh causing her to smile back, "Hello Walten, I'm glad that you're feeling better" she said in a relieved tone. " you want me to let the others in so I could explain everything to you or do you want to be alone?" she asked him. Walten thought about it for a few minutes before shaking his head, "I want to hear this by myself and Tinky" he told her, whom nodded. "Alright, just let me go out to tell them" she told him before walking out.

Walten soon sigh out before leaning against the purple tubby, feeling a bit nervous of what he was about to hear.


After the next chapter, there's going to be a timeskip a few times so just a heads up

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

Why? (Walten x Tinky Winky) (Wattys2019) (Discontinued/Might be rewritten?)Where stories live. Discover now