Chapter 1

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Picture: Hazel

I sit in the pizzeria alone, slowly chewing my pepperoni pizza. I look outside at the pouring rain. Rain always makes me happy. Just as I am about to get up and exit, someone enters. He is tall with brown hair. His gray eyes meets my green eyes and we stare at each other for what seems like an eternity. I bite my lip and he turns to order his food. I sit there, contemplating whether I should sit here and continue staring at this attractive stranger, or begin to make my way home. As I am deciding, the attractive young man makes his way in my direction, I try to suppress a smile,

"Hello," He says while taking a seat at my table


"So whats a pretty thing like you doing here so late all alone?"

"I just went out for a late night walk and felt hungry. Whats your excuse?"

"Oh, I just got out of work and I decided to grab a quick bite to eat before I head home."

"Where to you work?"


"Mmm," I say dryly

It is quiet for a couple of minutes while he eats his pizza and I admire the rain,

"So did you have a particular reason for sitting with me?" I ask

Well in all honesty, from the moment i walked in, your red hair caught my attention. Once i saw how beautiful your face is, I just had to approach you,"

"Thank you," I say with a serious face

"Sure thing,"

I pick up my bag and begin to leave. He is cute but I get the vibe that he is one of those womanizing men, and I have no time for those kind of boys,

"Hey you're gonna leave me all by my lonesome?" He pouts

"Yes, I have a log walk home."

"So then why don't you let me drive you there?"

"Errr... Okay."" I reluctantly agree

We walk in the rain until we get to his black jeep. Inside smells like tobacco, peppermints and sex,

"So how old are you?" He asks

"16, And yourself?"

"I'm 17. Do you like older boys?" He says in a flirty voice. His cockiness is repulsive

"No," I say simply

"Oh... okay,"

He turns on the radio and that stupid call me maybe song is playing. I groan in disgust as he turns the volume up and sings in a terrible voice,

"Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe?" He sings while looking at me with his large puppy dog eyes

I cant help but crack and smile, he really is adorable,

"And she smiles! That's a score for me!" He chants excitedly

"Why do you want me to smile?" I grin even wider

"Because I had a feeling you were even more beautiful when you are smiling, and I was absolutely right,"

At this point I am grinning like a complete retard. I know hes just using his suave ways to schmooze me, but its been so long since I have received attention from the opposite sex. Its not that I'm unattractive, its just I'm anti social and i guess that scares them away. I really dislike people so I try my best to keep my distance.

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