Chapter 4

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Picture: Thomas

The following week is better... and worst.It is better because I have peace of mind knowing that Tiffany is dead but it is worst because Eric seems upset about her death? The police found their bodies the following day but have no suspects. Eric has grown distant from me and I have to practically beg him to come over. When he does come over he doesn't talk to me at all, he just has sex with me and leaves. I guess this is how he grieves so i must understand. Things will go back to the way they were once he is out of this depression. I love him so much, I wont give up on him.

I sit on my bed, waiting for Eric to come over. Tonight I will talk to him and we will sort things out. How will our marriage survive if he doesn't know how to communicate with me?

The door bell rings and I greet him inside,

"Hey baby,"

"Hi," He answers with cold eyes

We go out to my bedroom and stare at each other for a brief moment. As usual, he proceeds to remove my clothes. I stop him,

"Stop... I want to talk to you first,"

"About what?" He asks annoyed

"You've been so distant lately. How will this relationship work if you don't know how to communicate with me?"

"Relationship?! What relationship? We are sex partners and nothing more," He says with no emotion in his voice

"Eric Have you been drinking? I wont take your words seriously because I know that you are upset. I know the depth of your feelings for me," I say and then kiss him

"Errr.. whatever,"

He then takes off my clothes and makes passionate love to me.

"Bye Eric. I love you," I say while I am letting him out

"Um catch you later," He  mumbles

Oh my little silly boyfriend. We are so perfect together.

I lay down on my my bed and stare at the ceiling swirling around in bliss and elation. I pick up my phone to call Eric but he calls me first. We are so in sync with each other,

"Yo I think I left my keys there. Ill pick it up tomorrow," he barks into the phone

"Definitely baby. I love you and I miss you,"

"Okay," CLICK

i stare at my phone slightly annoyed. I do love him and I know he needs space but being rude to me is unacceptable. Maybe there's another girl? The thought makes me shiver with anger. Eric is mine and mine only, and I am willing to keep him with me at all costs.  I call Thomas,

"Hey I need you to make another run with me tomorrow," I say

"What time?"

"Be here at 1 PM,"

"Sure thing," I hang up

I search my room for Eric's keys. They are under my bed. Tomorrow i will make a copy for myself. After all, we will be engaged soon, so it only seems appropriate for me to have a key. I clutch my pillow close and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

The following day I dress in black sweat pants and a black hoodie and put my hair in a ponytail. I go to the hardware store and make two copies of his keys. At 1 PM on the dot Thomas rings the bell,

"Your on time... Good boy," I say smiling at him

"Yeah.. You didn't tell me what to bring, so I just brought the gun. Are we making another house stop?"  He asks casually

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