Chapter 2

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Picture:Eric and Hazel Kissing

I am sitting in class, fighting to keep my eyes open.I stayed up all night, waiting for a text that never came. Thinking about Eric's disappearing act makes me sick to my stomach, He's probably with another girl. Shes probably fondling, kissing and loving whats mine. I bite my lip so hard it bleeds. Fury rises inside of me and I have a burning desire to squeeze the life out of something. Images of us making love keep invading my mind, and I love it. The feel of his lips on mine, his hands on my body...

At lunch, I do not say much to Thomas. He seems worried but does not question me about it. That is very wise of him. Just as lunch is ending, my phone vibrates. I snatch it out of my bag so fast that it nearly slips out of my hand. A text from Eric reads,

Hey sexy ;-) I miss you so much. My house tonight at 9?

My heart skips a beat and the anger I felt is all but forgotten. A smile spreads across my face and I take a deep breathe to slow down my heart beat.

As I miss you. Ill call you for directions around 8 I respond

Ill be waiting beautiful he replies almost immediately

I hold my phone to my chest and cradle it. Oh how I love this boy. My heart smiles a smile of relief and everything is well at once.

I give Thomas an unexpected hug,

"Whats that for?" He asks blushing

"I'm just so happy I had to hug someone!" I say excitedly

"Your lover boy is treating you well?"

"Yes my boyfriend is," I grin

"Boyfriend! He asked you to go steady!? "

"Well not exactly... but he is mines. But I'm ditching the rest of the day. Going to go home and get some rest, i will have a long night tonight," I say

Back at home I take two sleeping pills so I can fall asleep to kill time. I miss him so much, its killing me. The intense feelings I have for him are scary.

When I wake up It is a little after 7. I get in the shower with Eric on my mind. Since I met him, hes all i can think about. Hes everything.

I dress in dark green cargo pants, a black tank and black converses and leave my hair down. After he gives me his address I take a cab to his house. I grin in excitement when I arrive,

"Hey babe," He says calmly as he lets me inside

"Eric," I say and leap into his arms, nearly knocking both of us to the floor. It feels so nice to be in his arms, so safe, so.. right.

He carries me to his bedroom and places me down on his bed. My body is aching and my heart is singing. He climbs in between my legs and starts to kiss me passionately. It feels so good as the passion erupts between us. He goes lower and starts to kiss and bite on my neck. I use this time to try to talk to the love of my life before we have sex,

"How was your day?" i say as hes biting my neck

"Shhh it was good. Don't talk babe,"

Don't talk? Maybe hes too aroused to talk. We will converse when we are finished.

He proceeds to remove all of our clothes and caress every inch of my body so gently. He has such perfect fingers and a magic touch. As he is entering me I look him deep in the eyes and say,

"I love you,"

"Me too," He responds

Then he begins to pump in and out, making me feel as if I can fly. He makes me feel so good, I cant imagine life gets any better than this.

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