Chapter 5

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       I enter Eric's mother bedroom to find her sleeping soundlessly, tangled in between the covers. I walk over to her and gently place my hand over her mouth in case she screams. I don't want her to wake Eric up, hes had a long hard day and he needs his rest. I plunge the blade into her chest and she gasps but doesn't scream. I continue to plunge for another five minutes. When I am finished I have blood splatters on my clothes and her bed is drenched in blood. I take a deep breath. I finally feel burden free. Now Eric and I can love freely and passionately without any interruptions.

I make my way to Eric's bedroom with the knife still in had. I look at his sleeping body. His eyes are red and puffy from crying, but he is the quintessence of perfect. I take my free hand and stroke his soft smooth face tenderly,

"I love you," I whisper. Then I exit out the back door. Hiding the knife in my waist band.

Eric's POV

The sunlight reflecting off of my window wakes me. I throw the pillow over my head in annoyance. My eyes hurt from crying and my throat hurts from screaming. Tiffany's death crushed me. It literally killed me. I know we'd only been dating for three months but I loved her so much, I was even considering proposing marriage when we graduated. But her life was stolen and my heart was crushed. I don't think my brain has accepted her death yet. The person who consoled me the most was my best friend of three years, Dani, and now her life was stolen too.. in such a brutal way. I cant believe this, I want to die. But a small part of me is still hoping that this is some terrible nightmare that I will awake from.

I reach over and grab my phone. My heart breaks again as i realize the only two people I want a text from are no longer living. I see I have a text from Hazel. I groan in disgust as I read it,

Hey baby I love you and miss you. I hope to see you tonight ;-)

This bitch is so annoying. She is clingy and obsessive but she doesn't understand that I don't want her. She was a good sex partner but my soul is in so much pain that I don't even want sex from her anymore. I really wish she would leave me the hell alone. I look over at the time, 9:15 AM? Why didn't my mother wake me up for school today? She probably figured I would be too emotionally distressed to attend school. My mother is everything to me, she is the reason I live. She is my only hope. I get out out bed with the worst headache and my muscles ache. I wonder is it possible to literally die from heart break?

I open my mothers bedroom door and see alot of red? What the fuck! This is blood! I run over to see my dear mother brutally stabbed to death. My soul feels like it is crumbling and I throw up. I hunch over and start to cry. I feel like I am dying. I look at her lifeless body and I don't believe it. I cant believe it. This has to be a nightmare. It has to. I run out of her bedroom and shut the door closed. I fall on the floor. I don't have anymore energy to move, any energy to live.  I somehow manage to get to the phone, I dial 911

"911 Whats your emergency?"

"MY FUCKING MOTHER HAS BEEN STABBED TO DEATH!" I scream and cry hysterically

"Police are on the way sir. Please try to calm down and tell me what happened," she says in a slightly panicked voice


Two hours later I am sitting in the waiting room with my face in my hands. I literally am out of tears to cry. I weep but no tears come. The doctor approaches me. I already know what he is going to say before he speaks,

"Sir I'm sorry, she was dead hours before she got here,"

I nod. I don't think I have the ability to speak right now. I try to think of something else to distract myself. Because If i accept the fact the three of the closest people to me have been murdered, I think my head will explode. To distract myself I think of how soft and how sweet smelling Tiffany's hair was. I always loved stroking it and kissing it for hours. Two detectives approach me. I am familiar with them, they are the same who who questioned me about the murders of Tiffany and Dani,

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