Chapter 3

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Picture: Eric

I walk up the stairs with Thomas following behind me. My mouth is watering, anticipating seeing her blood splattered all over this pretty house. We reach upstairs and hear the shower water running, Tiffany is singing to herself while bathing. I bust into the bathroom and pull the curtain. She screams at the tops of her lungs as her  brain processes the image of me standing there with a hammer in my hand. I snatch her hair and drag her wet naked body out of the tub,

"No please stop! Who are you!" She cries and screams is fear

"I'm Eric's girlfriend. Now shut up bitch!" I scream back at her

Thomas helps me bring her into one of the bedrooms and tie her to the bed, Although she is very skinny, she is kind of strong. We tie her arms and her feet to each of the bedposts. I then shove a sock deep in her mouth, muffling her screams.She is still screaming at the top of her lungs. I try to pacify the situation,

"Hey hey just shut up for a minute and let me talk!" She quiets down but tears are still streaming down her face, "If you cooperate and shut the hell up, we wont kill you. My friend here just wants to have sex with you. But if you continue to scream and give us a hard time we will torture you to death. Understood!" I lie

She nods her head. Thomas looks at me confused,

"Well do you want to fuck her before I deal with her?" I whisper into his ear

A wicked grin spreads across his face as he stares at her naked dripping body, "Yes,"

"You sick bastard," I smile "Well make it quick, I'm going to check through her phone and take any valuable items to make to look like a robbery gone bad,"  I explain

He nods without looking at me. His eyes are still fixed on the blonde slut with huge breasts. I shut the bedroom door leaving Thomas in there. A few minutes later her muffled screams of agony presume again,It sounds like he is killing her slowly rather than raping her. I try to ignore her shrieks of pain as I look through her text messages,

I miss you so much already. I love you dearly says Eric, I frown

"I miss you and love you more ;)" She replies

"Are we still on for the movies tonight? I have enough money to take us to dinner afterwards also" Is the last message that she received from Eric

Oh I understand whats going on. Eric is taking her to the movies to tell her the devastating news that he is not interested in her. He wants to do it in a public setting so she doesn't attack him or something. My sweet boyfriend is so smart. Well he doesn't have to do that anymore. After today he wont have to deal with this annoying pest ever again. I text Eric off her phone as her,

Sorry my mom got sick, cant make it

Aww babe Okay. Ill be thinking of you all night He replies instantly

Well he sure does sound pretty damn convincing. Hes only doing that so the poor girl does commit suicide because of his rejection. He has such a big heart. I walk around the house taking money, credit cards and jewelry and stuffing them into the bag.

After twenty minutes I enter the room where Thomas is sexually assaulting her. The sight is gruesome. Her hair is on the floor it appears to be pulled out from her scalp, she has deep bite marks and scratches all over he body that are bleeding, and her vagina and rectum are bleeding profoundly. She barley looks conscious. Thomas is sitting on the bed licking blood from his fingers,

"What the fuck happened? I said you could rape her. I was supposed to do the torturing," I say then slap him in the back of the head

"I did as you said! I just like it a little rough" He pleads

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