VII | Crush of the year

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Park Jimin!

the teacher called-out his name again.

No response...

That's it, my fate is to end-up sleeping on the footpa-

"PRESENT!" came a faded shout from outside.

It was....jimin!

My one and only (J)hope.

"Present ma'am!" He breathed again as he entered the classroom, out of breath.

Thank god! Now I just need to do the hardest part...

Ask him.

"Hey, idiot" I heard from beside me at Jungrim's place while I was rehearsing my script.

"Wha-why were you late and why are you sitting here?" I asked apprehensively.

"Why? Did you miss daddy so mu-ouch!"

"I asked why were you late!"

"Ms. Yong and Mr. Park!" The teacher shouted before she continued taking the attendance.

The hell, she didn't even notice him sitting beside me?

Half of the day passed by, by some "How much did you miss daddy?" and "Before I arrived, you looked like a lost squirrel"

BUT, he surprisingly studied today and that in math period, he answered the first 5 out of 7 questions correctly out of which two questions were specially told not to be answered by him...

Now it was recess.

"You studied today!" I exclaimed, shoving the books into my bag

"Because we're in a school, idiot."

I huffed and rephrased my previous statement.

"I meant, Park stupid idiot playboy Jimin studied! "I sang which made him quiet for a few seconds.

"Cuz, its the last day?!" he finally shrugged, defeated and unbothered. to work.

As he began to stand up from his place, "Ah, Jimin stay here!" I said trying to sound as girly, idk why, as possible.

"What?" he asked, almost terrified, standing beside the table, gazing at me.

"Don't tell me you want to fuck me too-owwwch!"

"Oops sorry!" I smiled again, taking my seat.

"Thank god!" he breathed, as if my previous action really affected him.

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