XXXIX | Pretty confession

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23rd December.

7 days to V's birthday.

8 days to a new year.

And 2 hours to the final game.

"Oi! Where are you heading to?" Amy screeched.

I immediately got alert and thanks to her, rescued my nose from being banged right on the locker.

"Damn Rae! I know you're nervous about the match, but please gurl, don't put your straight nose on stake." She rolled her eyes playfully.

I snickered at Amy's words, her words putting on a smile on my lips automatically.

I glimpsed around me. The school, well, once-known-school was entirely switched into a football stadium.

Maybe the word didn't get out, that other games were also to be played.

No one cared.

Our school was chosen for administering the semi-finals and finals. Semi-finals were conducted an hour ago, settling out the winners and rivals to be on the finals as;

Jeonseol High and Seongja Republic.

Seonja Republic was the three-time trophy winner. Maybe because each player appeared to be a WWE player who seemed to be eating a whole human for a one-time meal.

What most students noticed was, that they would accidentally trip or push their rivals' best players and then act oh-so-innocent.

From that onwards, my anxiety was on peak. As much as I wanted to break in the boys' room to inform about it, sadly, pride was also on the peak.

"Lemme get freshen up," I muttered to myself. As I was about to repeat the same to the duo, Casey hummed at me, gesturing that she heard me.

I slowly wandered to the washroom, awed by the talent of graffiti of the students. If half of the school gets suspended tomorrow, I wouldn't be surprised.

I was surprised.

Standing in front of me, I recognised the girl whom I ever so delightfully loved sometime.

What surprised me more was the way they two managed to transform their uniforms into some weird thing, completely not-uniformly.

I recalled the way Jungrim used to look. Her big, pretty eyes explicating nothing but innocence...stupidity too sometimes.

Now, that had radically changed, fishnet stockings and the open three buttons proved that.

It was a waste of time to resent her now.

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