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sometimes i wonder if this is how alex is going to be like forever. he wasn't like this before... he tells me its for my own good though, hes hurting me to make me a better person. hes teaching me what i should and shouldnt do. so should i want him to be like this forever? maybe i should be thanking him, but he scares me when that happens.

i wonder this a lot. i dont think its healthy. i should just go with it, its for my greater good. i love him and i trust him. alexs always knows what to do.


"come on, lets shower," alex spoke with his low morning voice while tugging on my bare arm. i was still sore from how he treated me last night and my head was still hurting. it wasnt bleeding as much as i thought it was but it was still bad.

i look down in defeat, "...i-i can't stand." i whisper quietly. he stops tugging on my arm. silence. a faint scoff comes from him and he picks me up bridal style. i wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his chest. "i'm sorry b-baby," i whimper.

he kisses the top of my head, "i'm sorry too benny. you know i wouldn't have to hurt you if you just do as i tell you."

"i know..." i mumble. he sets me down on the toilet and starts up the bath instead of the shower. he keeps his hand under the water until it's warm enough for his liking. he soon closes the drain and sits down on the cold tiles.

we wait in silence for the tub to fill up. i shuffle uncomfortably. alex get up and walks out the bathroom leaving me alone with my thoughts.

i force myself off the toilet and towards the sink. i open up the mirror to fetch a bath bomb. i pick the baby blue one. that's my favorite color. alex likes it too, so maybe this can cheer him up.

i wince a little when i walk back to the tub. i put the bomb underneath the faucet and watch it dissolve. it's quite soothing. watching it beak underneath the pounding water. the water is soon infected with the bath bomb, it was a nice comforting baby blue. i smile to myself as i swish my hand around in the water.

suddenly a hand comes out from behind me and stops the faucet while pushing his front up against me. i jump a little from the unsuspected contact. he kisses behind my ear before backing away to strip off the little amount of clothes he had on. i followed his lead and took off his boxers that i was wearing.

he walks over to me and rubs my shoulder, "come on, get it." i slightly nod my head and do as i'm told. i don't want him to get mad again. he follows in after.

the water is warm and welcoming. it would be a lot more nice if alex's "little member" wasn't stabbing my lower back. my face heats up, and i start to feel pretty uncomfortable.

call me crazy but i'm not that into sex, if anything it terrifies me. everyone talks about how its so wonderful but it makes me feel violated. plus it's painful and scary. i just want to cuddle...

alex's hand shoot through the water and grabs well... i'm assuming you know where i'm talking about... while attacking my neck. i don't like this.

"a-alex please s-stop," i whisper so quietly i'm not even sure he heard me.

he moves his mouth towards my ear with his hand still on my private parts. "you know you shouldn't tell me what to do. we've been over this," as he finishes his sentence he licks my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

i'm sure you can imagine what happens next. it wasn't pretty.


we left the house around nine o'clock to go to the cafe down the street. jen's cafe is where me and alex met, you can say we are regulars now.

alex hasn't said anything ever since we left the apartment. i didn't mind though. we just walked in silence. only thing that could be heard was the leaves crunching underneath us. i slide closer to alex so that our arms are touching while we walk. his hand slides out of his pocket and into my cold hand. i smile.

we finally reach jen's cafe and i could already smell the baked good from out here. alex opens the door for us and we enter the familiar building.

"ah benny!" elizabeth calls from being the counter while hopping over the counter to sit on it. "and of course the trusty side kick... alex!!!" she drums on here knees before she says his name.

i smile and hug her, "hi lizzy."

"the usual i assume," she says while moving her gaze between the two of us.

alex cracks a small smile before saying, "yeah, you know us too well."

"elizabeth what did i tell you about sitting on the counter!" jen comes up to us while wacking elizabeth's arm with a rag. liz's eyes go wide before jumping off. she smiles and scratches the back of her neck innocently. elizabeth is jen's daughter, the father left after figuring that jen was pregnant.

alex and i dismiss ourselves and slide into a booth beside the window. alex soon comes attached to his phone in his own little world. i pass my time by looking outside.

my eyes lock with a pair of cold but soothing gray ones across the street. everything seemed to freeze like in the movies. the man had dark brown hair that was neatly brushed back with the sides shaved. he had a nice full beard that was trimmed to perfection. his skin was sun kissed and smooth. his tall frame wore a well fitted navy blue button up shirt that showed his strong arms. his shirt was complimented with a pair of khakis. he smirked and i blushed, realizing that i was staring.

the sound of a cup meeting the table top brought me back to reality. "here is your caramel macchiato with whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon," she slid the drink towards me. "and for you good sir we have a double shot espresso with a pump of milk," liz walks off after giving alex his drink. he's still tied to his phone.

i look out the window to see if the gray eyed man was still there. he wasn't. i sighed and decided to take a sip of my drink. as soon as the cup meets my lips the bell on the door rang.

the man from across the street walks in.

(reaaaaally unedited)

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