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the warm drink soon left my mouth and sprayed all over alex. my eyes go wide and a chill goes down my spine.

i am so dead. he would have been livid if i did this in the apartment but i just did this to him in public. it's going to be two times worse. god what am i suppose to do.

alex's eyes shoot up to mine, i'm still frozen. anger soon pools over his face and he's visibly shaking. i sink into the booth and hope to disappear. he clenches his jaw and stands straight up making himself tower over me. "what. the. fuck." he growls through his teeth.

"i-i'm sorry," and stand up also and take some of the napkins on our table. i start patting his face and chest.

his hand grips my wrist and he squeezes it until i'm sure it will leave a bruise. "look at what the fuck you did!" he shouts into my face. everyone is looking now. even the gray eyed man. i hate this. this is embarrassing. he pushes me to the ground and i slam my shoulder into the side of the booth.

alex goes and grabs his untouched drink and holds it above me. "alex stop!" i hear liz's voice call from across the room.

too late.

he pours the boiling liquid onto my upper body, including my face. it burns. it hurts. i yelp out in pain and blindly kick. the espresso has gotten into my eyes so i struggle to open them.

i start to hear rough thuds and grunting. i squint my eyes just barely long enough to see what's happening. there's a man on top of alex throwing punches. liz is crying for them to stop. there's faint camera clicks around the room. someone do something!

"get off him!" i blindly launch myself towards where i saw the man punching alex. i tackle him off of alex and pin him down so he doesn't hurt alex anymore.

a hand meets my shoulder and forces me off the man. "stay out of this ben. this guy deserves to get beat into a pulp," alex's voice booms.

"s-stop it!" i get up and force my eyes open barely to a squint. i push alex away from the man hoping to prevent a fight. i twist my head to see who the mystery man is and i see the same guy from across the street.

my breathe hitches. how can he still be hot even though he's on the ground with a bloody nose? his hair is everywhere now and his mouth is parted slightly. some of his buttons came undone exposing his defined chest. goddammit benny now is NOT the time for your gay to explode. plus i have alex.

alex goes over to our booth and takes his phone off the table and roughly grabs my forearm. he glares at me again and roughly pulls me towards the exit. not before spitting on the undeniably hot man.

the man doesn't do anything but scoff. we just made the biggest scene of all my life. i just want to curl up and die at this point. we walk back to the apartment. once we reach outside the building he gets a call. he excuses himself and walks a couple steps away. i sit by the side of the building and wait for him to finish up.

after five minutes or so alex comes back. "i have some work to do, stay in our place until i get back." he starts to walk away, "and i'm not done with you, boy."

he storms off and i head inside. today really was a day.

it wasn't long before i found myself in the shower washing off the stickiness. alex never lashed out in public like that. it was terrifying, and then the gray eyed dude came in and beat the heck out of alex. i'm not sure we are welcomed to jen's cafe anymore.

i finish up the shower and stare into the mirror. i'm so ugly. my scrawny figure made me feel insecure. my face was chubby and was littered with freckles. my light brown curls were everywhere and covering my eyes. what does alex even see in me? i'm nothing attractive.

i get out of the bathroom and throw on an oversized red hoodie with some black joggers. i want to head out. i don't want to wait here for him. i throw on my checkered vans and head outside.

i just let my feet wander. i needed to think. i really only wanted some space.

i eventually found myself at a nearby park. there was little to no kids here because of school. having that in mind i decided to take one of the swings.

i looked at the one beside me and imagined alex sitting there. maybe holding my hand or something. whispering me sweet nothings. i miss it when he would do stuff like that all the time.

tears start to fall down my face without me realizing it. why am i crying? i shouldn't be sad. i love alex. he makes me happy.

i wipe my eyes and i hear the chains on the swing next to me cling around. i look over to see the man from before.

what if he's here to hurt me? he has to be looking for revenge since alex have him that bloody nose. he's going to kill me!

i become visually stiff and i look away.

"does he always treat you like that?" his voice was deep and smooth. so soothing. i could listen to it forever. i stay quiet.

i can feel his in my face. "it's not right. friends shouldn't hurt each other like that."

"hes not my friend. he's my boyfriend," i blurt out. well there goes my two seconds of silence.

it goes silent. aaaaand he's homophobic that's nice. if he wasn't then he wouldn't have gotten so silent.

he scoffs, "is that suppose to make it any better? see if i has a boyfriend i would treated him like royalty. i'd love him to the end of the world. if anyone touched him they would be as good as dead."

i glance over to him and he's looking up at the sky. i knew he was imagining himself with someone. god he's adorable.

"alex loves me," i mumble.

"doesn't look like it."

"well you don't know us," i huff. "he says he does it for my own good. if he didn't love me then he wouldn't be trying to help me."

his head snaps to me and we stare at each other. "help? that is far from help. it's clear he doesn't love you, people don't hurt their loved ones."

i stare at him longer before looking down at my hands, "like i said, you don't know us."

"well i want to get to know you"

i look back up at him, "why?"

he rubs his face and sighs. "because it looks like you really need someone right about now."

his voice is so relaxing. makes me feel almost... safe?

"i have alex." i state before standing up. alex wouldn't like me talking to... what's his name? doesn't matter. alex wouldn't want me talking to him.

"don't go," he mumbles underneath his breathe as i turn to leave.

i don't move, waiting for him to continue.

"at least give me your name," he says is a deep tone.


"alaric davis. pleased to meet you, benny," his name rolls off my tongue so easily. my snap my head back at him to see him smirking. my face heats up.

he smiles and shows his teeth, practically making me melt. "you're cute when you blush." he stands up and makes his way towards me and grabs both my hands. "how bout we go grab a coffee? it doesn't seem you got to drink any this morning"

"i'm not so sure about that...."

he furrows his eyebrows and looks me dead in the eye, "please?"

"o-okay, just this one time though."

(also really unedited lmao)

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