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A/N i just wanna start off with saying i'm sorry. i have posted in like 7 months. i didn't think this story was going to get past 100 reads. now it's over 1k, that's crazy. i usually give up on the books i write and delete them after around a month of posting. but i will try to keep this story going. thanks for all the love and support. also i apologize for how bad the writing was. i reread everything and it was absolute doo doo. anyways if you see anything wrong with the story feel free to comment about it. i don't mind.

alaric's POV
there's something about this boy. he's just so... alluring? call me weird but as soon as i saw him i felt protective over him. his small figure seems so fragile, almost like if you touched him the wrong way he would snap in half. seeing that alex guy hurt him made me see red. which took me off guard because i'm not usually a violent person, i can keep my composure pretty well.

all i know is that i want to get to know benny more. no, i need to know him more. he sparks some sort of emotion in me that i find addictive.

"so tell me more about you," i say after sitting down. he seemed nervous but i can tell that he was trying his best to not show it. his light blue eyes gaze into mine for a second before looking at his lap.

he shuffles around. "what do you want to know?" he asks quietly.

"i'm not sure," i laugh lightly. "anything? like..." i pause, thinking for a second. "how old are you? do you have a job? your hobbies? anything."

"hm. i'm 19, unemployed, and i don't have any hobbies," he goes back to being quiet. i wasn't really satisfied with the short answers but i didn't push it.

i stare at him. i can't figure him out. he's like a puzzle with a whole bunch of missing pieces. he looks up from his lap and when he sees me staring his eyes widen, quickly looking back down.

he's scared. i don't want him to be scared. yet i'm not sure what to do. i'm not good with comforting people. i clear my throat awkwardly, "are you ready to order?"

he nods. i wave at one of the workers here, signaling her to come over.

she approaches after grabbing a notepad. "mr davis," she greets me, "my name is tiffany, what would you like to order today?" she smiles politely.

i nod slightly towards benny so she knows that he's the one ordering. she then fixes her gaze at him.

his face heats up slightly and he mumbles out his order, "c-could i get a caramel m-macchiato with cinnamon a-and whipped cream?" he stutters out.

"of course, sir," she smiles again, "is that all?" benny nods and then tiffany looks at me and i nod also. she walks off after sliding a piece of paper to me.

i pick it up to see her number. i could have her fired. doing that is informal and not appropriate. i crumple up the paper and drop it on the floor. i look at benny afterwards to see that he was already looking at me.

"are you not ordering anything?" he asks.

i shake my head, "nah. i'm good."

it goes silent. he seems lost in thought. he was worrying about something.

"okay. what's going on? you get more and more nervous by the minute." i say in the most comforting way i could.

his eyes widen and he becomes a bit shocked. "nothing," he mumbles.

"it's not 'nothing' i'm not dumb."

"it's just that i should be heading back soon..." he mumbles barely loud enough for me to hear.

he probably just doesn't wanna be around me. i start to feel a bit sad. i want him to like me. i want him to stay.

tiffany comes back with his drink. he tells her thank you and she leaves after winking at me.

"why are you in such a rush?" i questioned. i didn't want to ask about it but i was curious.

he sips his drink, "alex wants me to be at his place." he says casually. i clench my fists a little. hearing his name makes me furious. at least i know that i'm not the reason he wants to leave.

"it's not right you know. he's not healthy for you. you need someone who would care for you when you're hurt not be the reason why you're hurt. does he always treat you like that?" my voice raises a little.

he seems to shrink into the seat. "that's our business."

before i can say anything his phone starts ringing. he pulls out his phone and his face pales immediately. "uh i g-got to go," his voice cracks a little.

he gets up and practically runs off. i just sit there, trying to cool down at the thought of alex hurting him. i'll kill that bastard next time i see him. just you watch.

i stare at his empty seat and realize that he left his wallet. i look out the window to see benny sprinting down the street.

i guess i'll have to return this to him later. i pick up the wallet and open it to see if i can find a way to contact him. there was a return number and address on a card inside luckily.

i call my private driver and wait until he arrives before leaving the booth. hopefully that alex guy is there so i can give him a piece of my mind.

i give my driver, markus, the address and we take off. i look examine benny's wallet more. there is a picture of him and alex kissing in one of the pockets. i clench my jaw. i tuck it back in where i found it and put the wallet down. i don't think i can handle seeing another picture like that.

after about 10 minutes we reached an apartment. i thank markus and step out after leaving my suit jacket in the car. i might get into another fight with alex and i'm not going to fuck up my jacket because of him. i clench my fists and walk up towards the building.


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