chapter 6

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A/N: After too fn long of not posting, here is a new chapter of est, hope y'all like it


-And who should drive? I don't know to what extent I'm willing to trust you, guys, I'd like to go home safe. -, says Rachel intent to load in the trunk of the jeep her backpack with the help of Mike, judging by the adoring expression of the boy, it could have been said that for her, he would have fixed backpacks much heavier, even full of stones, to be able of earning the kiss on the cheek which she actually give him before boarding the car.

-For the first part of the journey Harvey will drive ,then will be my turn. In the other car they will take turns Jessica and Louis. -, informs the redhead, already sitting in place of the passenger and intent to sip a coffee. In front of the worried face of Rachel, evidently disturbed by the prospect of Harvey's sports guide, hastens to reassure,-In case he is too reckless, i'll think about putting him back in line, quiet, Rach.- And with Harvey occupied by making the verse to the girl by his side and mike already ready to complain about the music chosen by the blond, the group leaves for their trip out of the city, a week of camping - as Jessica and Donna will be able to survive for so long without the their wardrobe, is a mystery.

-And so I ran in fourth base and we...-, Harvey is forced to interrupt because of the noises coming from the tent closest to theirs, not exactly that kind of noises that you like to hear when you are with the girl of your dreams and with the prospect to spend the whole night with her.-I'd say someone else got to the fourth base. -, Donna expresses the thoughts of both concealing the face in her hands, can not really laugh, in what a shabby way her dearest friend Rachel and Micheal have managed to interrupt the story of Harvey and that particular atmosphere that had created.-How about we go for a ride? -, it is Harvey to propose it, a hand directed towards that of the girl who gladly accepts the invitation, he has a half idea on where to go to escape the annoying noises of their neighbors. Donna could not tell how long it takes to them to reach the river, it could be a few minutes or an infinite time, hand in hand with him time loses its constancy, it is no longer something objective. They stopped chatting about baseball, theater, music, they simply enjoy the presence of each other in the moonlight, among smiles accomplices and short caresses to the rocky shores of the stream that flows not far from their base camp.-We could take a dip, the rest of them are all... engaged.-, it's a Donna's idea, on that hot summer evening all the worries and doubts that would usually have assaulted her in making a similar proposal to the boy disappear. She is not ashamed to undressing in front of Harvey when, after a few circumspits gaze, he also agrees. Remain intimate to look as if it were the first time, as if those seventeen years of friendship only pointed at that moment, at that time when all the barriers fall. It's an inconsistent moment, neither of them would be able to tell who made the first move but their lips caress, meet. Only the moon and some shy nocturnal animal is witness to that kiss and that overwhelming romance: it's not a kiss on a dance floor at the school dance, it's not a stolen kiss at the end of a game or a show , but it is a unique kiss, to the height of them and of their love, definable in many ways but not "teenage". -It's you, it's alway been you. -, murmurs the blond, does not need to add more to make her understand that she has always been the recipient of those flowers, of those little not well-hidden looks, the cause of sleepless nights and uncontainable smiles. It's just always been her.


This is a fanfiction by @suitorsacademy and @aprilsllama on Instagram. Please contact us on there if you want to repost this fanfiction.

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Sixth chapter by suitorsacademy.

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