Dear lord, what have I done?!

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"Phana and N'Wayo spoke with me about a problem with one of my situations . And I want to ask your advice about it."
"N'Park, right?"
"Yes, how do you know?" Tul asked surprised.
"N'Wayo and Phana are good friends of mine. N'Wayo told me about the current situation with N'Park."
Tul hummed thoughtful.
"Well that makes it easier. What do you think, Arthit?"
"You know Tul, molesting or bullying isn't allowed. But you can't punish him, you have no evidence for it."
"I know and that's why I'm asking for you're advice. You're not only the most scariest and fiercest head hazer at the moment, you're the most experienced one. I'm the first science head hazer and have no one who is experienced to guide me. I don't know what I could do without crossing a line" He sighed.
I thought for a moment.
"There's a rule which says that a head hazer can ask for help from a different faculty's head hazer...but only if the other head hazer won't miss anything out while he helps out."
He looked at me.
"Really? So you can help me?"
I nodded and patted his shoulder.
"I will see what I can do. I think it's the best if we mix the hazing time of both faculties, so that I can help if your having difficulties but analyze the situation. Alright?"
"I'm fine with that but won't you have trouble controlling your freshman while helping me?" He asked concerned.
I smiled.
"Don't worry, the troublemakers are under control and my friends won't accept any trouble."
Tul sighed.
"Thank you so much, Arthit. That means a lot to me."
I shook my head.
"We're friends, of course I help you out."
The head hazer of the faculty of science smiled gratefully.
"So when is your next meeting with the freshman?"
"It's today, do you want to mix up already or do you need some time to prepare?"
"No today is perfectly fine. I will my freshman that we will come over. See you there"
I nodded and he left.
"There you are N'Arthit."
I turned around.
"P'Leo! I'm sorry, I am too late to our meeting, right?"
The senior shook his head.
"It's alright, I saw you talking to N'Tul. I already of the troublemaker and figured that you were speaking about it. Is everything alright?"
"I hope so."
He nodded thoughtful.
"If there's anything I can do to help, just say it."
"Of course, thank you."
"You should go now. I'm sure your boyfriend already is worried about you."
I groaned and P'Leo left laughing.
"Unbelievable, even the seniors know about that cheeky asshole!" I muttered while walking.
"Arthit! There you are! What took you so long?" Bright yelled when I walked to them.
"I had a conversation with Tul and P'Leo about some problems, that's all."
"Tul?The head hazer of the science faculty?" Toota asked curiously.
I nodded.
"Let me guess, it was about Parker, right P'?" May asked.
I nodded again.
"He asked me to help him. They will join us today, so that I can see how it is."
"I heard that boy is out of control. What if he attacks us? " Oak said hesitantly.
"He won't." Aim answered.
"How do you know that?"
"The only person he would possibly attack is P'Arthit"
"Why are you so sure about that?" Maprang asked frowning.
"He saw P'Arthit talking to Wayo so I figured that he will probably be very problematic. Especially since someone told him that Wayo is a close friend of our P'"
"He better not try anything funny." Prem growled.
"We will see." Knott said.
"So... if they are going to join us, does that mean they will do what you tell them to do?" Praepallin asked.
"I think so, yes. They're system isn't like ours but they need to learn discipline and since Tul's methods failed, they will deal with my methods."
The juniors nodded.
"Well at least you won't be angry at us, P'" Kongpop grinned.
I smiled.
"As long as you do what I say, I will not punish you guys."
"Oh? But if I won't make it obvious that you're mine them they might get funny ideas."
Kongpop winked at me and I shook my head.
"You're unbelievable. Don't even try to embarass me, I warn you!"
Kong grinned cheekily and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.
"I will make sure that they know that you're already taken"
"Did you even listen to me?"
"I won't let you go. Maybe I should leave some marks. You know how possessive I am about you P'. And I know how much you like it." He purred into my ear and bit it lightly.
I pushed him away, my face burning.
"Are you done flirting or do you need a moment?" Bright teased.
"OH shut up P', they are so adorable! My otp is so great!" Maprang hummed happily.
I rolled my eyes.
"Let's go, we will be late."
Kong took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.
I decided to say nothing and just accepted it.
It made me feel loved and protected.
I would never tell him but I loved it.
Just as much as I loved him and everything he did.
He smiled happily when I didn't push him away and pulled me closer.
Like that we continued walking as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
Tul and the science freshman were already there and I saw Wayo and his friends smiling at us.
I greeted them with a nod and turned to Tul.
"Ready?" I asked.
He nodded.
"I'm just a bit nervous. Last time it escalated a bit since Mister Trouble didn't stop molesting Nong Wayo and Max got angry. I hope it will end more peaceful this time."
"I really love you, but you're being quite unrealistic, baby." Max said as he back hugged Tul.
He grinned at Kong and me.
"You guys look disgustingly cute, you know?"
"Stop it, you're making Arthit uncomfortable Max" Tul sighed.
I shook smiling my head.
"Come on we should start now."
Kong didn't move and simply starred at me.
"I don't want to let you go. Your hand fits so perfect into mine. It feels so nice, I don't want to let go." He pouted cutely.
I blushed at his words and pushed him softly.
"Shut up you sappy idiot and leave."
He sighed and pulled me into a passionate but loving kiss.
"At least now they know how you belong to." He smirked, winked at me and left then.
"Dear God, please just let me die." I murmured embrassed.
Tul laughed and patted my shoulder.
"You got yourself a beast, Arthit"
"I'm pretty sure he know that very well" Max chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows.
I groaned.
"Why don't I have just one friend who isn't an ass with a dirty mind?"
"Who knows.... maybe it's because you just can't resist people like us? I mean, you got yourself a sexy beast as your boyfriend." Max chuckled.
Just let me die already!!

Arthit's little secret Book 2Where stories live. Discover now