Chapter 3 - The Four Come Together

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Yes, another chapter so soon. :D I was on a roll while writing this that I could not wait to write out how Rapunzel and Jack meet. lol it was fun to do and I hope I kept both in character. Well, it was fine for Rapunzel since I took lines straight from the movie itself. But showing through Jack's eyes was a different matter. Also, I hope you guys don't mind what happens near the end of this chapter. I had to give some way of how Jack can be seen and heard by others besides just Rapunzel. Thank you all for the favs and follows. If anyone has suggestions or ideas, please feel free to review me them. I love hearing ideas and I would also love to see how you guys like this story so far. (: Thanks and now onward!


Rapunzel was not sure of what to think when she saw this...strange creature come into her tower. The first thing she did was grab the closest object near her, which was a frying pan, and smack the invader. Once it fell to the floor, she yelped and hid behind a manikin. She peeked over and thoughts rang through her head. It had to be one of those men with the pointed teeth her mom warned her about. But how did he get in here? She then remembered seeing him "fly" in? She didn't think men can fly. So who or what was he?

Pushing the manikin forward toward the unconscious creature, Rapunzel tried to get a closer look. She took in his clothes first and he was wearing a simple blue hoodie. She then took notice he was wearing tight tan colored pants that were tattered around his calves and strings wrapped around near the ragged ends. Her eyes widen a little when she saw he was just as bare footed as she was. This made her come from behind her manikin but she kept her frying pan ready just in case this boy jumped up and tried to attack her.

She shifted her eyes at Pascal, who in turned shrug, before she glanced back at the unconscious boy's head and took note that he had a strange hair color. It was pure white and Rapunzel was unsure if any of the men were supposed to have that hair color. She used her frying pan to push him a little until his face can be seen from the side. He was rather pale. She wanted very much to look him over some more but her mother's warnings about the dangers of men still rung hard in her head. She turned to Pascal and he walked up to the painting of the scary man Gothel made. He turned red while making fangs with his claws. He was indicating for Rapunzel to check if the boy had fangs.

Rapunzel turned her pan around and using the handle, she pushed the boy's lip upward. She was surprised to see no fangs but beautiful perfect white teeth instead. Realizing this boy can't possibly be dangerous; she lowered her pan and used this moment to look at his face. She can only see it from the side, but he had well defined features. Maybe it was because he was the first of his gender for her to ever see but she thought he was rather handsome. Not to mention he looked young. He appeared to be around her age at the most. She leaned even closer and felt the urge to reach out and touch his white hair.

Suddenly, the boy moaned and began to move. Rapunzel panicked and quickly hit him again while she shut her eyes. She opened one eye to see he was once again unconscious. She had to do something with him. She couldn't leave him out on the floor in plain view and staring at him wasn't helping her situation. She turned her head about. Her eyes finally settled on the closet. It was big enough and seeing he was rather slim, she could easily put him in there.

She crouched down and prepared to lift the boy. She was astonished to feel the boy was much lighter then what she was expecting. Not to mention he was really cold. She rushed to the cabinet which was the closet and put the boy inside. Once she shut the doors, she propped a chair against the doors to prevent him from coming out and she held out her frying pan.

"Okay, I got a person in my closet," She whispered to herself and then turned toward the mirror that was right next the cabinet. Realizing the situation, she started to laugh at her reflection, "I've got a person in my closet!" She echoed this time with more excitement. She smirked while twirling her frying pan, "Not strong enough to handle myself, mother?" She questioned while feeling cocky, "Well, tell that to my frying pan." She then grunted in pain when the pan hit her square in the head.

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