Chapter 6 - A Day in Corona

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Hey guys! Here's another chapter for this story. To those who are wondering about my Dragon Ball Academia story, I will be updating the next chapter for it soon enough. In the meantime, Enjoy!


The next morning, Jack, Rapunzel, Hiccup, Merida, Toothless and Pascal were asleep. Jack normally didn't need sleep since he was after all a winter spirit. But he felt exhausted from the events on that day he had passed out. He wondered as he drifted off that maybe the potion the woman gave him was more than just something that can make him be seen by people. He was still in dreamland when he felt something cold fall on his face. He frowned and tried to ignore it, but another cold thing fell on his face. It also felt wet. Finally, waking up, he opened his eyes and looked up.

There standing over him with the most raged look on his face was Max the stallion. He was very pissed as he snarled down at the winter youth. He had managed to escape the water and he was still dripping wet. Jack merely stared before he closed his eyes again and muttered,

"Well, I hope you're here to apologize."

Everyone was quickly awakened by Jack crying out. They looked over and saw the white stallion trying to drag Jack away by his hoodie.

"Put me down! If you will let me explain!" The winter youth shouted as he tried to get his hoodie free from the angry horse.

When everyone else figured out what's happening, they rushed in to help. "Hey! Let him go!" Rapunzel said as she and Merida rushed over. Rapunzel quickly wrapped her arms around Jack's waist, while Merida grabbed his legs and both tried to help him get his hoodie free.

But the horse had a good grip on his boot, and will not give up so easily. It became a big game of tug of war, with Jack as the rope.

"Give, us, him!" Merida ordered as she pulls with all her might. But the horse kept trying to pull the thief away.

Hiccup stood where his was for a moment, trying to asset the situation. He then got an idea, instead of going to where the girls are, he went over to boot Maximus is holding. Using some quick finger work, he mange to make the hoodie looser. That freed Jack and Maximus. The girls fell backward, pulling Jack to their side, while Maximus landed on his rear, with the boot still in his mouth.

Realizing he lost the boy, again, Maximus was really determined to get him, no matter what. Anger filled the horse's eyes as he began to charge at group. Hiccup tired to block the horse, using any techniques he learned from Toothless. But unfortunately, horses were not dragons. Maximus ran right pass him, and hit Hiccup with the side of his body, making the boy fall to the ground.

Toothless ran over to the boy before growling at the horse.

Merida raced to the charging horse saying, "Don't worry, I have a horse at home. I know how to handle them."

She stopped in front of the horse and angrily shouted at him. "You need to stop it right now!" She commanded. "Don't make me use my arrows!"

But Maximus didn't hear her, instead, he charged passed her, and pushed her away with the side of his body. Merida fell on her butt, very upset.

Jack in the meantime was rubbing his head while Rapunzel still was underneath him. He gasped when he saw the stallion coming for him.

Rapunzel realized it was her turn to sooth the horse, but how? She's never been around one before. So she immediately got out from under the young spirit and went in front of him.

"Whoa! Whoa!" She cried out while holding out her hands. Surprised, Max skid to a halt but he tried to get around her, "Easy boy!" Rapunzel cooed and Max finally stopped and glanced down. He stared as Pascal was now perched on Rapunzel's head and he too was telling the horse to calm down. He simply stared while Rapunzel smiled, "That's it."

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