26. Dance Maniac

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Note: Dance Maniac is an OC Akuma suggested by user on FanFiction.net 

It was Monday morning, which meant that it was time for another week at school. Felicity had just finished getting ready when her Mum knocked on her bedroom door.

"Felicity, are you doing anything after school today?" Her mum asked.

"Just finishing some homework" Felicity answered. "Why?"

"I need you to watch Teddy for me. I have to cover a shift at work. I know it's last minute but it would really help me" Her mum said.

"Sure, Mum," Felicity said as she came out of her room. "I'm going now, see you later"

"Have a nice day?" Her Mum told her.


Felicity walked into the classroom and took her seat at the back of the classroom, Nathaniel wasn't there yet. A few minutes after Marinette walked in.

"Hey, you are never going to believe what I just found out. The Royal Ballet School are performing Swan Lake this weekend. All the tickets are sold out but you never guess who helped design the costumes for the dancers" Marinette said.

"Who?" Alya asked.

"Gabriel Agreste," Marinette replied.

"Really. I wonder if Adrain's going to the show?" Alya asked.

"Not sure," Marinette said.

"Oh, maybe you should ask him" Alya suggested.

"No way. I can't say a single word when I'm around Adrian" Marinette said.

"Just be yourself," Felicity said. "Here he is now"

Before Marinette could say anything, Miss Bustier walked in and started the lesson.


The Royal Ballet School

The students of the Royal Ballet School are busy practising for the show. They had been working really hard for weeks. The only problem that they came across was deciding who should be The Swan Princess. They had two students lined up for the role, Mia who had just started dancing with the school and Gabriela who had been dancing since she was three years old. Gabriela wanted the part and had been practising the routine for as long as she can remember.

The dance teacher knew that a decision had to be made so she called both the girls to one side after the dance lesson.

"I have finally decided who is going to be the Swan Princess. The Swan Princess will be Mia" The teacher said.


At school, Lunch had started and Felicity found herself sitting with Marinette and Alya. They are talking about Adrain.

"So, what did Adrain say?" Alya asked.

"He's not going to the show. His father is making him practice his piano" Marinette said.

"That's a shame," Felicity said. "I kinda feel sorry for him"

"Yeah. I know what you mean" Marinette said. "What you doing after school? Mum said that I could have some friends over"

"I'm up for it, girl," Alya said.

"I'm looking after my brother tonight, sorry Marinette," Felicity said.


The Royal Ballet School

Gabriela Holcomb wasn't happy. She had just found out that her dream role of the Swan Princess had been given to another dancer. Mia had only been at the school for three months. Gabriela had been there much longer. Gabriela stormed into the dressing room and let her chestnut brown hair out of the tight bun. She had tears streaming down her face as she looked in the mirror.

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