11. Study Date

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Continues from Chapter 10

When Felicity and Teddy entered the apartment, their Mum was waiting for them. Felicity could tell that her Mum would want the full story of why Teddy was in Felicity's arms and looked like he had been crying.

"Felicity, what happened? Is Teddy ok?"

"I think he's just shocked. There was an Akuma attack near the park and we got separated. The police told me to hid until it was over," Felicity said.

"Oh, I see. I understand," Felicity's Mum said.

"You're not mad at me for losing Teddy? " Felicity asked

"I'm not mad at you Felicity. These things happen. I'm just glad that you are both safe," Her mum told her as she took Teddy and cuddled him.

"Mummy, I saw Kitty Cat and Wolfie," Teddy said.

"Really," Felicity's Mum said.

"Yes," Teddy said.

"You are very lucky," Felicity's Mum told him.

Felicity let out a sigh of relief. She thought that Teddy was going to say that Felicity had left him on his own. Teddy smiled at Felicity and waved as her Mum took him into the kitchen, leaving Felicity alone.


The moon looked down upon the streets of Paris. It had just gone 11 pm when Felicity/Wolfette got back from patrol. Chat Noir kept asking her about ways of telling Ladybug that he liked her, eventually, Felicity got tired and left the Cat hero alone.

Felicity was certain that next time she meets up with Ladybug for patrol she was going to tell her that she knew who she was under the mask.


"Felicity, your alarms been going off for the past five minutes. You are going to be late for school." Her Mum said. Felicity sighed as she got out of bed. She was still tired and didn't want to go to school, knowing that she has Maths first lesson.

"I'm up now" Felicity replied. She quickly got dressed and ready for school. While she was busy doing her hair, Rikki flew over to her and sat on the edge of her mirror.

"It's unlike you to be late getting up," Rikki said.

"Yeah, I guess I didn't hear my alarm going off," Felicity said. "Anyway It's time to leave now"

"Another day of being stuck in your pocket," Rikki said.

"It can't be that bad. I will get you some chocolate on the way out" Felicity said.

"I can live with that," the Kwami said as he flew into Felicity's pocket.


Felicity arrived at school just before the bell went and took her seat next to Nathaniel who smiled at her. When she looked around the classroom, Marinette wasn't in her seat. It was very common for Marinette to be late for school. Ms Mendeleive started the lesson. A few minutes later Marinette walked in and managed to sit down without the teacher noticing.

"Today we will be learning about fractions. Please open your textbook to page 45."

After a long morning of lessons, it was finally Lunchtime and the students packed their things away. Felicity met with Marinette and Alya at the front of the school and like most days, the three of them went to lunch together.

"Felicity have you heard the latest. I saw Chat Noir and Wolfette near the Effiel Tower last night. Check out this amazing picture" Alya said as she showed Felicity a picture on her phone. Felicity had to admit that the picture was quite good, even tho it was taken at night time.

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