Chapter One | Auradon Prep

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Would all the bad and evil vanish

If evil-doers were all banished?

Or is there evil in us all?

Is it our own choice to fall?

But if they are set up to fail

How dare we tell them to prevail

For if beggars cannot choose

Can we blame them when they lose?

"What is she wearing?"

The whispers slid around the halls and Quinn was going to ignore them until she saw the subject of the buzz.

A young girl walked down the hallway; it was probably her first day here. From her clothing and appearance, Quinn guessed that she was from the Northern Wei, Mulan and Shang's home.

But the reason why everyone was staring at her was her clothing. Instead of a dress or a skirt, like everybody else, she had the audacity to wear pants.

She fiddled with the strap on her backpack but held her head up high as she walked down the hall. As she passed by Quinn, she saw that her eyes darted around at all the people watching her.

Poor kid.

Quinn stepped forward and held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Quinn."

She looked up at her nervously. "Lonnie," she said quietly, shaking her hand.

"I like your pants."

Her eyes scanned her face, probably trying to guess whether she was being sincere. Then she noticed Quinn's outfit. She wore a light green tunic with beige leggings underneath. It was not quite pants, but it wasn't exactly a dress either.

"Thank you." She looked around at the other students again, apprehensively.

"Don't listen to them," Quinn said. "You look nice."

The ghost of a smile passed over her face. As she walked onwards, Quinn saw her pay less attention to the other students.


"Would Fa-Li Lonnie please report to the office?"

Quinn looked up from her book as she sat in the corner of the courtyard, hoping she had not gotten in trouble on her first day.

A few minutes later, the intercom went again. "Could Quinn Little please report to the office?"

Frowning, Quinn wondered what it could be about.

In the office, Fairy Godmother was waiting. She led Quinn into her office. Quinn sat down beside Lonnie, who held her hands in her lap, feet dangling off the chair. Fairy Godmother sat behind the desk.

"Fairy Godmother," Quinn said. "What is this about?"

"The dress code."

Quinn closed her eyes for a moment, stifling a sigh. She and her friends had had problems with the dress code before and had made their own loopholes. But they had been a group, all kids from Sherwood, whereas Lonnie, looking understandably nervous in the chair beside her, was alone. Quinn felt a surge of anger and protectiveness.

"What about the dress code?" she asked, looking back at Fairy Godmother.

She blinked. "I believe that Miss Lonnie's outfit is inappropriate and she mentioned that you said that it was alright." She looked Quinn directly in the eye. "Do you have authority over the dress code?"

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