Chapter Two | Sherwood

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The week passed fairly quickly with Mark there. Quinn could take all the things that usually drove her nuts, including the books on the cruelty of villains and heroics of the heroes that Fairy Godmother not-so-subtly had her read because she could talk to him about it all. He understood her just like all the Sherwood kids did.

He told her of his adventures travelling through the lands behind the Great Wall and before Quinn knew it, it was Friday and she was waiting for the bus that would take her to Sherwood Forest. Quinn had done this trip so many times that she went on autopilot as she mulled over the Isle of the Lost again.

It seemed like a good idea at first, to have all the villains in one place, with no magic and no escape. But now most of them had kids, who had done nothing to be in such a terrible place. Surely, others must see the unfairness of their situation too.

Soon the train pulled into Locksley Station and Quinn saw Dad standing on the platform, towering over everyone else. She smiled and pulled out her earbuds before stepping off the train.

"How was the trip?" he asked.

Quinn hugged him. "It was good."

"I brought Onyx for you," he said as they approached the stable section of the parking lot.

"Onyx!" she exclaimed, rushing forward to stroke her velvety nose. "Hey, girl."

Riding back, Quinn felt her chest get lighter as they got closer to the forest. While Mark had helped back at school, nothing was like coming home.

"How was your week?" asked Dad.

"It was alright," Quinn said. "Did you know that Mark is back to help with archery at school?"

"I thought I'd heard Robin say something about that. How's he doing?"

"Good. He really helped me handle everything this week."

They were silent for a little while, as they entered the forest. Quinn breathed in deeply, filling her lungs with the earthy air.

Soon they reached the village, a cluster of houses built up in the trees, with ladders to go up and bridges between them, around a well and a large fire pit. While they did have electricity and internet and everything, the village still looked very much like it used to.


After supper that night, Dad and Quinn sat on the back porch of the house.

"Is this the time when you tell me to try not to sound like a traitor at school?" Quinn asked after they had sat there in silence for a while.

She heard Dad take a deep breath and he stared up at the stars that peeked between the leaves. "You know I love you, right?" he asked quietly.

"Of course, I do, Dad," Quinn said, realizing that this was serious. "And I love you, too." Thinking she knew where this was going, Quinn sat forward in anticipation. She had always known this was coming; he was going to tell her about her mother, she was sure of it.

"Quinn... you're... oh, how do I say this? You're adopted."

She blinked. This was not at all what she had been expecting. "What?"

"I love you like a daughter, Quinn, and I've raised you for most of your life, but."

It was hard to fully understand what was happening. "So, who is my biological father? Was he one of the Merry Men?"

Dad shook his head. "His name was Starkey. I don't know what his first name was. He was first mate to Captain Hook."

Starkey. Captain Hook. "He was a villain?" Quinn's eyes were wide as she stared at Dad. She did not know what to do with this new information. "Was?"

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