My OC's

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Name: Amazon
Gender: Female
Age: 6
Tribe: Rainwing
Description: Basic Rainwing build with extra vibrant colours.
Personality: Amazon is bubbly, excited, positive and basically a younger Kinkajou.
Parents: Starfruit ( Mum ) Boa ( Dad ).
Other: Amazon is a very talented sculpture. She loves making sculptures of dragons she loves and admires.

Name: Sandstone
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Tribe: Sandwing/Nightwing hybrid
Description: Sandwing style body with Nightwing under-wings.
Personality: Sandstone is the smartest dragon in Pyria (Except for her dad). She is also sweet, kind and generous while being smart and at times, a little sarcastic.
Powers: Extremely smart, great fighter and can read minds.
Parents: Moon (Mum) Qibli (Dad)

Name: Cardinal
Gender: Female
Age: 4
Tribe: Skywing
Description: Rusty red scales with deep orange undertones, smallish wings (for Skywing standards) and extremely sharp teeth and talons.
Personality: Cardinal is quite shy and a bit jittery but once she warms up to you, she will be fine.
Powers: Small, great for going unnoticed and can breathe fire.
Parents: Crimson (Mum) Thrush (Dad)

Name: Starreader
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Tribe: Nightwing
Description: Typical Nightwing scales with hints of deep blues and purples swirled in.
Personality: Starreader is warm and friendly and also quite smart.
Powers: Smart, agile, was born under 1 moon, but the clouds were covering it so she can see the future but not very clearly and breathe fire.

Name: Tiger Shark
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Tribe: Seawing
Description: Teal/green scales with hints of blues around his wings.
Personality: Fierce and protective because he wants to become a guard someday.
Powers: Can see in the dark, breathe underwater, extra fast swimming.

Name: Honeybee
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Tribe: Hivewing
Description: Yellow scales with black stripes along her lower back and tail, uses glasses to read.
Personality: Sweet like honey but fierce and protective of those she cares about, really curious.
Powers: Has boiling acid that can be shot from a barb on her tail.

Name: Landslide
Gender: Female
Age: 4
Tribe: Mudwing
Description: Warm brown scales with rich amber under-scales that shine golden in the sun, golden amber eyes and a muscular build for a dragonet and light amber under-wings.
Personality: VERY protective of those she cares about, especially her sibs (two older brothers and a sister).
Powers: Great strength, heals fast and, if warm enough, fire breath.

Name: Stingray (Ray)
Gender: Female
Age: 6
Tribe: Seawing
Description: Deep indigo/blue scales with hints of blue-grey around her wings and tail, intelligent blue eyes and luminescent stripes and spots on her wingarms, tail and back with spirals near the corner of her eye.
Personality: Extremely intelligent, loyal, fierce and protective because she wants to become a royal guard someday like her parents.
Powers: Can see in the dark, breathe underwater, extra fast swimming.
Other: Ray has distant Nightwing blood so she can sense other dragons emotions (hence the spirals near the corner of her eye).

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