Home alone

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Chapter 3

Weeks past and today's the day Brennan is home on her own without any help by her side she'll have to.

Day 1 Brennan's POV

"Today's the day I'm home on my own, mostly because booth is at work, and Christine is with my dad in the park, first I need to take my pain meds, now I have to walk the way down stairs without falling here I go", I say in my head

--------- 30 minutes later--------

As I made down the stairs without help I start to think "I wish booth was here" I say in my head when I was interrupted by a phone ringing. "Brennan"

Booths POV

Meanwhile booth is calling Brennan, "Hey sweetheart I'm coming home early so I'll be home in 10 minutes bye" He said then he hung up. "I wonder is she okay I don't want her to get hurt because I wasn't there." He said in his head

--------- 10 minutes later --------

Booths shouts out "Honey, I'm home", Brennan shouts "I'm in the kitchen with Max", when booth went to the kitchen her saw Brennan drinking coffee with Max while Christine was asleep in bassinet, Brennan says "Hi, Booth how was work","Nothing important how you been doing","I made it down the stairs on my own, it hurt but I made it OK", "that's good" booth said.

"Dad can you put her in her room please", "Ok Tempe", as max leaves to put Christine down, "So did you miss me", Booth said while pulling Brennan into his arms,"Yeah I did", then Brennan kisses Booth on his soft lips while Brennan jump into his arms he sat her on counter not breaking contact until they got interrupted by Max clearing his throat "Are you two going to do that every time I leave to put Christine down because if you are go to do that do it in your room with that". Booth started to blush a little while Brennan start to say "OK first of all he is my husband and second of all I can kiss him all I want" Max just walked away laughing and left.

"Ok now where were we" Booth says. "I think we were doing this" Brennan says when they start to kiss again booth lifted Brennan up the stairs to their bedroom, and starts to unbutton booth shirt, and pants until he had nothing but his underwear, and booth takes off Brennan's shirt, and pull down her sweatpants while still kissing her down her stomach then her neck he lays her down gently and starts to put soft kisses on her neck, next her cheek and then her mouth, he starts kissing her passionately until they called out each other's names in pleasure their rhythm slowed down until they were laying naked in each others arms out of breath then they fell asleep.

The next morning

Booth wakes up the next morning, and looks in down in his arms and see's a sleeping Brennan next him. He smiles and kisses her on the lips until she was awake up she opens her eyes an feels booth kissing her so she kisses him back they break apart and looks at each other smiling still naked in his arms feeling the warm sensation of his body on her when she hear's him talking to her.

Booth starts off "Good morning beautiful"
"Good morning Special Agent Sexy" Brennan says in a breathless tone. He asks "What you want to do today" She says "I don't know go to the park I guess"

"Yeah I guess so it is a beautiful day outside for a Saturday but let's wait a few hours before we go to the park," booth said. Brennan thought it was reasonable idea so she agreed.

Booth got up and put some boxers and shorts on before he went down stairs and went to make breakfast. When Brennan came down stairs she admired the shirtless booth and walked over to booth and wrapped her arms around booth and kissed his back day dreaming of what they did last night then booth turned around and kissed Brennan on the lips and said "You ready for breakfast?"

"Yeah I'm starving," she said with hungry eyes and they ate breakfast. After a couple hours they went and got ready to go to the park, so they got Christine ready to go the park Brennan got Christine dressed while Booth got Christine's stroller out of the closet put Christine in the stroller then they walked towards the park .

The next chapter is coming up

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