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Normal pov

Hiccup is the knowed in almost the entire world he is a singer and a song writer and a bad boy get a girlfriend for one day and another one the other day he is also a pro car racer but his parents don't know it he sometimes go for street racers he enjoys life but his parents always ask him for more they live in a huge villa in california hiccup's dad and mom are living with him he is rich and everything but his parents always tell him to work harder he had enough of it

"Son we need to talk" Stoick hiccup's dad call him from outside his room hiccup already know that they will talk about he need to work harder and to stop bringing girls home but he had enough

"Yes dad we very need to talk" hiccup replies as he opens his door and let his dad in

"Look son i know we have asked you to work but its only for your future and--" he got cut off

"No dad listen to my this is my life i am popular rich but my parents always asks for more and I AM TIRED OF IT" hiccup yells the last part

"I understand son but you need to understand that this is for your future please understand it son" his dad said hiccup looked at him in disbelief

"Dad i am sorry to tell you but i am leaving" hiccup said and walked to his closet and took out a suitcase and started packing clothes in it

"WHAT?? Hiccup you can't leave you have a tour in 1 week and--" he got cut off again

"No dad since you don't treat my like a dad should his son they i will treat you like my manager not my dad and since you are my manager YOU will take care of that' hiccup finished and started walking out of his room grabbed his car keys and started walking out of the door his mother was there

"Hiccup we need to talk" Valka her mother said even her

"No mom we don't i am leaving" hiccup said and walked to the garage and walked to his 2014 Mercedes CLS 550 AMG [A FREAKING BEAST] he putted the suitcase in the back seats and he drove off to somewhere far away from his parents his phone ringed it was his dad

"Hiccup you need to get back here" His dad yelled thru the phone

"No dad i am leaving and this is your fault" hiccup said and hunged up hiccup felt sad since his parents made him leave his own home but it was still his parents so he can't just kick them out so he leaves in stead

It was now 3 hours since he was on the road he was driving the speed limit on the highway he didn't they where to go because he had no real friend back in california they are only his friend's because he is popular and have money it was late at night he turned to a road he didn't knew and he is what looked like the only car on the highway it was very dark he didn't saw where he turned it was now the next day and he was still driving it was not 10 hours since he was on the highway and he was only driving straight he stoped sometimes for gas he was really tired he almost crashed he needed to stop for to sleep he drove all night he saw a sign
He exited on that exit and looked for a hotel he saw one he parked his car and walked inside but he they couldn't give him one because he had no I.D on him only his credit card so now he didn't have a place to stay he was cursing him self for forgetting his wallet at his well old house.

Now he was in his car looking for a gas station because his car is about to run out off it he found one he stoped and went inside to pay someone was in front of him

"Please i don't have that much money but i can't leave my car here my little child is inside" the person begged but

"I am sorry sir but if you don't have the amount you need to pay for the gas i am sorry to say that you need to rest your car here" the worker said

"I will pay for it" Hiccup the person turned to face hiccup

"R-Really?" he said hiccup smiled and nodded

"And for that mercedes too" Hiccup pointed to his car outside looking good

"Alright it will be 128.87$ please" the worked said hiccup nodded and gived him his card he swiped it it worked then they have walked outside

"Thank you sir" The person said looked like a farmer

"Oh you welcome" hiccup said

"Sir you are not around here are you?" the farmer asked

"No actually i am from California i am surprised you don't know my but then i am glad" hiccup said the farmer looked at him confused

"Sir do you have a place to stay?" the farmer asked

"No i don't have any I.D on my" hiccup said

"You could stay at my house i have a guest room"

Hiccup looked at him in shock he trust him to invite him in his home

"Really?" hiccup said

"Yes and you sir looked tired" he said

"Oh thank you thank you" hiccup said

"Okay sir you follow my" the farmer said hiccup nodded got in his car and started following the black truck it was going pretty slow after like a 1 hour drive they had turned into a dirt road the truck parked and the farmer got out

"You can park theire" he pointed to an empty spot next to a pretty big house
he parked and got out

"Thank you sir so much" hiccup said

"Oh don't call me sir i am steve" steve said

"I am hiccup haddock" hiccup said they shock hand

"How old are you"steve asked

"I am 17" hiccup replied the farmer nodded and they have walked inside

"This is your room you can stay as long as you want" the farmer said

"Oh really thank so much i can't thank enough" hiccup said steve nodded and hiccup walked in the room it was pretty big for a house like this the bed didn't looked comfortable at all but at least better than sleeping on the ground

"I am gonna leave now hiccup you should sleep" and he closed the door and soon as hiccup layed down he felt a sleep


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