Chapter Five

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Outside of the force field was horrendous creatures throwing themselves up against the shield, trying to break through.
"Quick children! Touch the gem. We will have enough time to protect ourselves before the shield falls" Ivellios shouted, indicating towards the gem, glowing even brighter at the mere presence of the children.
"Okay, here goes nothing" Anna declared as her, her siblings and Caroline put their hands/paw upon the gem.
A powerful, electric sensation built up inside them. A golden light surrounded them, nearly blinding. They were thrown aback by the force.
Anna stood up, feeling stronger and more different than she had before. Looking at her siblings, she noticed that they had changed as well. They had turned into adults, but had the same features of their previous bodies. Even Caroline had changed into a hellish wolf taller than the huts.  Another loud thud protruded from the shield, but they remained upright this time.
"So now we have the bodies to fight. How will we know how to use them?" Alan asked while inspecting his arms.
"Don't worry, young one." Alberich said, "You will know what to do when the time comes"
Not to sure about Alberich's defective attempt at comforting the children, they made their way to the shield. "Now all you have to do is walk through the shield over here and....try not to die. Good luck, heros!"Ronaldo said waving kindly to them. Before they left, Ronaldo slipped a device into Anna's hand and told her to keep it in a safe place, that she'll need it later. Nodding her head, she put it in her knapsack on her shoulder and joined her siblings once again.
Hesitantly, the children climbed atop of their hellhound and passed through the shield.
As they were trying to sneak by the army, a twig snapped and about one hundred creatures noticed them. With not a second to spare, the creatures bounded towards them at inexplicable speed. Neill threw his new sword at the creatures and cut through about half.
The sword flew back into Neill's hand as he stared at it in shock.
A wolf-like creature bellowed an outraged howl that echoed through the forest, which caught the attention of the rest of the army. The rest of the army came towards them, hatred gleaming in their blood red eyes. Caroline growled and ran towards the army, cutting through them like a knife through butter, her silver claws slashing through the creatures.
After the shortly timed bloodbath, the children got off their panting beast and went around inspecting the corpses around them. Eleanor shouted for her siblings to come to her. At her feet was the bloodied body of a half-dead ogre. "Helhona will send more of her army and kill every last one of you or keep you as slaves. She has already been alerted of this attack and will be sending more of her army shortly. Good luck finding her" he chuckled as he let go of his final breath.
"Fuck, he's right! How the hell are we going to find this woman?" Eleanor cursed. Just then static came from Anna's knapsack and familiar muffled voice came from inside it. She pulled the device out and found it to be a walkie talkie. "Ronaldo! Hello! Umm we have a question. How our we supposed to find Helhona?"Anna asked knowing that it was too late to turn back and that they had very limited time. "Well, I heard of an old man who lives in the ground just up North who knows everything about everyone. Maybe he could help you"Ronaldo said excitedly.
"Thank you, Ronaldo! We'll update you on what happens when we get there. Goodbye!"
"Farewell" Ronaldo answered before the radio cut to static.
The children walked North for what seemed like hours looking at the ground for any sign of a doorway. "Hold on. I think I found something" Neill said pointing at a piece of wood on the ground. The others walked over.
The piece of wood was actually a door with a foreign writing on it. "What the hell is this?" Eleanor exclaimed putting her hands on her hips. Anna leaned down, almost instinctively, and put her hand on the door. "It says 'Cave of Shadows. Do not enter at the risk of your own demise', not to mention that it is also is bolted extremely tight"
"How did you know that?" Alan asked. "I have no idea, I just knew" Anna answered, taking her hands off the door.
Neill placed his hand on the door handle and pulled the door off.
"What the fuck? You stupid cunt! We don't even know if this is the right cave" Eleanor chastised him.
"No, this is the right one. Something about this cave is drawing me in" Anna said, almost in a trance.
The children climbed down the ladder and into the frigid and dark cave.
A loud shriek came from the walls causing the children to cover their ears. "You sure it's the right cave?" Alan said uncovering his ears. Before Anna could answer a low voice echoed throughout the cave.                      "Who dares enter my cave?"

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