The Roof

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  "Historreh! Smistorreh!" Rory waves the subject away. "I say we party on the roof!"

  "The sun," I whisper.

"Don't worry, I brought sunblock, and if you want, I can rub some on a babe like you." Rory winks.

"You're such a perv."

  "What if I do it?" Benny sticks out his tongue, playfully.

"Believe me, I'm fine. I don't need a backrub or sunblock." I giggle lightly, but my nerves are heavy. Sunblock doesn't work for what I have.

  "We'll get caught." Ethan worries.

  "E, my man. Leave it all to me. No one will suspect a thing." Benny says koolly. He's trying to be all thug, but under it all, he's just a cute, little nerd.

  "Ethan," I catch his attention, "No one will care."

  "How do you know?" He looks at me while Rory makes his way down the hall. Benny watches me from about two yards behind Ethan.

"I just do," I scruff up his hair as I walk past him to meet up with Benny, who was waiting for me.

  "How long have I known you?" Benny asks this silly question.

I look at the clock on the wall, "Well, let's see... we've known each other for two hours and fifteen minutes." It doesn't seem like that short of a time until I say it aloud.

"Are you sure you don't mean two centuries and fifteen years?" He raises his eyebrow as we walk side by side.

"Nope. It feels like that, doesn't it?"

"Yeah..." Benny's thoughts get cloudy and he zones out.

"Maybe we're two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl,"

He snaps back, "Huh?"

"I said, 'Maybe we're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl'."

"Year after year... Quoting Pink Floyd now, aren't we?"

"I just like that line and at this moment, it feels relatable."I smirk and we look into each other's eyes.

Getting lost, we both smack into the wall.

  "Don't forget to turn!" Ethan chuckles at us in a teasing manner.

  Benny's eyes are just so brown at the moment, like a pool of melted chocolate with some flecks of amber and green. Earlier they were so green. A truly beautiful color.

"Ow." I hold my head.

  Benny pulls me closer, gently and slowly moving my hand away from my forehead. He examines it and checks for a bump. "You'll live," he smiles sweetly.

"It's your fault."

"How's it my fault?"

"Because, you- YOU DISTRACTED ME!"

Benny chuckles and grabs my hand to pull me along. "Don't worry, Nicole, there's no bruise. It didn't wreck your beautiful face."

"Thanks," I grin at the compliment and with that, we turn and clear the corner. "How hard did you hit?"

His hand moves to his head, "Pretty hard, I guess."

"Benny, are you okay?"

"I don't know. You might have to kiss it to make it feel better."

I giggle, "Nice try, Mister."

"Awww," he moans.

"C'mon, don't be such a crybaby."

  Ethan jogs to catch up with us, "Nicole, are you okay?"

"Kind of. I think my brains liquefied a little, so bare with me." I joke.

  "Thanks, go. Don't even ask how I feel?!" Benny pretends to be heartbroken.

Ethan comes back with a, "Dude, you didn't even give me time to!"

"And I don't think Sarah will be very happy that you're spending so much time with another girl," Benny raises his eyebrow, "Forgot about her, didn'tcha'?"

"She'll be fine. She's not the jealous type. We aren't even dating!"

  I pipe up, curiously, "Who's Sarah?"

They both stop in their tracks, "A girl." Ethan tells me, obviously not giving me the whole picture.

  "A vampire girl that Ethan has a crush on." Benny hisses like a vampire and uses his fingers as fangs.

"Do not!"

That argument achieves Ethan an elbowing in the rib from Benny.

  "Does she go to school here?" I question, confused on why Ethan is attempting to keep this information from me.


"Yes!" Benny cuts Ethan off and gives him another sharp jolt in the rib.

Ethan gives Benny the evil eye, "Stop hitting me." He warns, furiously stern.

  "I can meet her?" I ignore Ethan and turn my focus to Benny for the answers.

  "At lunch, sure." He smiles and holds out his hand. I unreluctantly take it. We walk without Ethan. He again, trails behind.

  I don't know why Ethan all of a sudden got so---distant. Like he's trying to hide her from me. Why? Because she's a vampire? I'm fine with her being a vampire, look at Rory: He's a vampire and he's just down right fun to be around. The way Benny was talking, Ethan and Sarah sounded close. Maybe, just perhaps Ethan's scared that Sarah and I will be at each other's throats in no time.

  I can't promise that I won't try to kill her. I know I have a bad temper that I can't control. After all, look at what I did to Colby Bracen. He deserved the jam on his head, but broken knuckles that end his football career? No. That wasn't right and I'm regretful of my actions. On the other hand though, Colby didn't have to try feeling me up. What a real pervert. Rory's no where close to Colby who's such a pig. Ew. Why would anyone do something like that this young and also, dude, we're in public!

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