First Day of School

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I wake up to the cawing of crows. I feel new. I stretch as I make my way to my dresser. What to wear? 

I decide on a frilly pink and lilac skirt and a white t-shirt with a pair of pink converse with little purple hearts. He-he pretty kindergardenish, right? I do like to make a fashion statement on the first day(and the first day only). I can be pretty girly on the outside, but I'm as tough as a diamond. I slide down the staircase railing and rush to the kitchen. Ooh! I'm so excited! I pour myself a bowl of Cheerios and shovel spoonfuls in my mouth. Without cleaning up I rush through the door knowing I'll be about a half hour early.  

I race down the street, I can outrun anyone any day. Within two minutes I'm standing on the sidewalk in front of WhiteChapel High School. I walk under the awning and through the entrance. Already I can feel the warmth of many pairs of eyes from every direction. I stop by the office. 

"Good morning I'm Nicole Blake. I called a couple days ago, I'm supposed to attend here. So I stopped in to pick up my schedule and locker assignment." I grin batting my eyes. 

"OH YES! Right away dear! She rips through a stack of papers scanning for my file. Her eyes light up, "Here it is dearie! Have great day! If you need help I'll be here." She exposes a set of very crooked teeth when she smiles, not to mean, but I can't help not to flinch. 

"Thank-you kindly. Good-bye!" I head back into the hall. Locker--- Hey, that's this way gotta be. I find my locker in no time. I pin up a copy of my schedule on the inside of the door. A woman comes up to me, "Hi! I believe I have you in my class. I'm Mrs. Feldman, well aren't you adorable!" She pinches my cheek. "I had these spare supplies and I thought- I did you the favor of picking up your textbooks as well. So I expect you'll be prepared for class." She gives me the pile. 

"Yeah, I'll surely be prepared. Thank you Mrs. ...?" 

"Feldman, but call me whatever you please!" 

"Thanks Mrs. Feldman. See you later." I nod to her as she leaves me. I'm pretty used to the popularity to strangers, all you can do is be kind. I stand there organizing my locker. I shut the door. 

"ah!" I gasp and jump back when I find an unexpected boy behind my locker door. He looks at me and doesn't stare like everyone else, he actually blinks! 

"Hello." I say sweetly. 

"Hey." He glances at the paper in my hands, " So, Nicole do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to walk by again?" He uses a pick up line. 

I giggle, that's the first time I heard that one, " I don't know. Let me see that walk of yours." He's completely adorable! 

"'Kay," he walks to the other side of me. "So?" 

I shake my head, "Nope, you're fine." I look into his green eyes as we shake hands, "I'm Nicole as you know, I'm new here." 

"I'm Benny. So do you like Star Wars or Star Trek? Both?" 

"I totally think Spok's AMAZING! Leonard Nimoy was one of my childhood heroes. Him and Batman. Ooh and don't even get me started on the Matrix!" I look up from the ground. Benny's lost in my eyes. 

"Yeah. Uh-ha. No, that's awesome! You know, 'the spoon is not real'." He shrugs with a sly smile. 

"Of course it isn't they can't die unless they believe it, it's the Matrix. The whole concept is unfathomable!" I grin. 

"Yep, so can I do you the favor of showing you to your homeroom? You have- ?" 

"Mrs. Feldman." I nod in approval. 

"SWEET! That's who I have! What a coincidence?! Who else?" Benny asks anxiously, "I have cooking, then AP Biology, lunch, English, AP U.S. History, then Cal-" 

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