Raise a Little Hell - Part 4

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"Love can set you free"

The world collapsed inwards as you ran through the forest. Trees cascaded behind you blocking any chance of escape, and any chance of getting out. But still you ran.

The sky was a dull shade of blue, illuminated from the large moon that hung omnipresent. It followed you as you sped across the ground, frost nipping at your feet as the ground froze beneath you.

You looked behind you. You saw guards, swords in hand, running at you, having passed the wall of trees. You saw Cassandra in front, yelling bloody murder. You couldn't hear her voice, and all was quiet, but the effects of what you knew she said rang in your ears like bells. You dashed sideways, breaking the straight path between you and the guards. Your eyes danced around your surroundings, looking for any means of escape. Suddenly, the trees around you caved in, trapping you in with the guards.

You pushed against one of the tree trunks, desperately trying to get it to budge, or break. But it didn't, and you were stuck.

"(Y/N)!" A voice yelled, and immediately your heart stopped. You turned to see Varian, on his knees, his hands bound, a sword raised above his head.

His eyes swum with tears, and he looked at you, shaking his raven hair at you. He looked... disappointed.

You reached forwards, but you couldn't move. The frost had caught up to you, planting your feet still, confining you to a small area of movement. You tried to grab his hand, but the closer you got, the further away he did. You looked up.

Behind Varian stood Cassandra, her expression icy, her mouth hardened.

"They will pay," Varian spat, his toxic words making you want to retreat. Just like that your Varian was replaced with a vengeful and dangerous copy of himself, the version you hated, but the version you knew was there nonetheless.

Cassandra raised her sword.

"Yes you will," she said monotonously, and brought it down on Varian's head, the ghost of your scream echoing through the night.


"(Y/N)?" A voice questioned. You opened your eyes to see Varian, leant in front of you, his hands on your shoulders. His face was full of worry, and he was looking at you in desperation, lightly shaking you.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked softly, sitting down on his knees, loosening his grip on your shoulders. You raised the back of your hand to your face, and felt the warmth and wet of your skin.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine," you reassured, but Varian didn't look convinced. He pursed his lips, and stayed in front of you, searching for signs of what happened in your expression. You reached forwards and touched his shoulder, the realness of it calming you.

"I'm fine," you said again, this time more confidently. Varian still didn't look satisfied, but he came and sat next to you nonetheless.

"How long was I asleep?" You asked him as he bent down. He put his arm around you.

"Five or six hours," he said, looking down at you. Your eyes widened.

"Six hours!" you yelped, and Varian rushed to explain.

"Or five," he said hurriedly, and rubbed the back of his neck, "you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake up. But... then you started to cry and you went really hot, so I had to. Sorry," he apologised, his words smooth and reassuring.

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