Raise a Little Hell - Part 6

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WARNINGS: swearing

"There's a part of him you know is wild, Maybe that's what made you love him all along."


You walked over to Varian, his head buried in a bag as he searched for their paper. Innocently you tapped him on the back. He turned around.

"Yeah?" He asked. You looked at him.

"She does care for you Varian," you assured, putting your hands in his. He stared at you, his eyes condescending, an objection on his lips.

"She did," he said, and handed her the paper, "but she abandoned that mentality as soon as she left me to rot in a prison cell, alone." His hands shook in yours, and you could see his brain fighting with himself. You drew your breath in.

"You cared about them, didn't you? That's what made it sting," you realised, finally piecing together the puzzle. He nodded gravely.

"Ever since I could remember, I've always been the weird one, the odd one out. I've always been the one that was left behind. I was bullied, picked on for my love of alchemy, and it got so bad my dad had to pull me out of school. When Rapunzel and her friends came to see me, and they asked for my help, I felt wanted. I felt like I finally had friends," he swallowed, and you waited for the 'but', "however, when Rapunzel... when she threw me out into the snow storm without a second glance, I felt used. Ridiculed. Cast aside. I had no one, and the only person that cared about me..." He looked at you.

"The only person that cared about me was my dad, and he died. He died, and in my mind, I connected both sources of sadness and abandonment together," you widened your eyes, "I know Rapunzel didn't kill my dad. I know it wasn't her fault. But... but if she had come when I asked her to, or even afterwards, I wouldn't have done what I did. I just needed someone. Anyone. She didn't check up on me once," he spat, memories swimming in his irises.

You reached up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"She's here now," you reminded, and rubbed your thumb along his bottom lip softly, "and you were going to have to face her at some point, why not get it over with." You caressed his cheek, and he leaned into you.

"I love you," you promised, and his face lit up with shock, which then changed to joy as he leant down, kissing you.

"I love you, too," he whispered into your lips.

You pulled away, smiling, and nodded your head towards Rapunzel. He sighed.

"Not yet," he said, his voice wavering.

"How about we write that letter, then?" You suggested, and took his hand.



My name is (Y/N), and I have Rapunzel here with me. She has injured her foot, and is unable to walk. We are in a cave just off of a town called Tandise. Our cave is hidden, but if you call, we'll hear you and come.

Be warned, me and Rapunzel are not alone. Varian is here with us. The conditions of you taking her is that you leave him alone. Capiche?
Come as soon as you can. Bring no guards. We don't want trouble.

You put your quill down, staring at the letter in your hands. You walked over and handed it to Rapunzel, who stared at it, her eyes scanning the words.

"Isn't this a little threatening?" She queried, her finger pointing to the text. You shrugged.

"I won't let them take him," you said simply, and took the letter back. You rolled it up and strapped it to Pascals back. Rapunzel whispered to him.

"Be careful," she warned, and watched as he crawled through the leaves, disappearing into the beyond.


Varian sat down next to the princess, looking down at his hands.

"I'm not bad," he muttered under his breath. Rapunzel looked at him, then at you, like she couldn't believe he was talking to her.

"I never said you were, but you've done bad things," she corrected, "we had to act accordingly."

He laughed, which surprised her.

"Then why didn't you visit me? Why didn't you check up on me? I was in prison, by your hand, and you left me there to rot."

Rapunzel shifted away, passing agony on her face as she moved her foot.

"Because it was hard for me, Varian. You kidnapped my mother, you... you... you almost killed her! I still get nightmares of that dreaded monster you created, of those awful machines you built. You scare me, and I couldn't face you," she scanned him up and down, "and to be perfectly fair, I still can't."

Varian stared at her, his mind processing her confession.

"Oh," he said softly, his shoulders relaxed. His eyes were wide, and looking at him there, his arms loose at his sides, sitting on his knees, you couldn't help but notice how innocent he looked. How much he looked like a... a kid. He looked down, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he gulped.

"I get nightmares too," he whispered. Rapunzel looked at him.

"What?" She questioned, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I get nightmares too, of the machines. I get nightmares of my dad, and... and of you," Varian swallowed, shifting his eyes up to Rapunzel.

"You? Of me?" She stuttered. Varian nodded.

"I'm sorry," she apologised, putting a hand on Varian's shoulder, wonkily smiling at him. He looked at her, eyes big, childish wonder seeping through. Before he remembered. He scoffed, pushing her hands off.

"Yeah, well, I'm not. The only thing I'm sorry about is the fact that my plan didn't work," he said harshly, before getting up and walking over to the fire. You sighed, and took his place by Rapunzel.

She was smiling.

"Progress," she sung, placing her hands behind her head. You giggled behind your hand, and glanced over at your boyfriend. His eyes were drooping, and the stick in his hand fell out of his grip.

"Oh no," you gasped, and rushed over to catch him. He fell into your arms, his head drooping as he began to snore softly. You picked him up - since he was light - and laid him over in the corner. You sat next to him, playing with his hair, and watching his face at peace for once.

"He doesn't hate you princess," you smiled, and leant down, kissing him, "he's incapable of hating someone, no matter how much he objects."

Rapunzel smiled.

"Go. Rest. I'm not going anywhere." She coaxed, her expression soft. You grinned at her, before laying down next to Varian, and placing his arms around you. You closed your eyes.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," Varian whispered in your ear, and tightened his grip on you, nuzzling his nose into your neck.

"You did fine, Var," you assured, before closing your eyes.

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