Chapter Three

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Authors note: hai. the little picture at the top of this chapter has nothing to do with the chapter itself, i just thought it was nice. anyhoo... please vote and comment, thank you all my darlings for reading!


My dreams were filled with more pain. As soon as I closed my eyes the physical pain stopped and was replaced with emotional torment. I was a child back in my village on the outskirts of Asgard. We were threatened all our lives, being powerful sorcerers and "horrendous looking creatures." And today was no different, Odin had started to collect us and either enslave and strip us of our powers, or banish us for "wrongful dark magic practitioners." Some resisted, fighting against the cloaked guards. They were killed on the spot. My father ushered me along with some other children and told us to find the village Kactrounus, where we would be safe from Odin. 

So we ran, carrying the little we could save. only two of us actually made it to the village, the others had either gotten captured, eaten, or killed by wild beasts. that was when I got my first scar, a short but deep gash on my left calf. I was running from some hungry beast and I fell, getting my ankle caught in a tangled briar. I yelled for help, but my scared friend was nowhere to be seen. The beast purred and looked me over, its glowing purple eyes pulsating with amusement. I knew this was it, I knew I was going to die. Throwing my hands over my head and bracing for lots of pain, I held my breath and waited. but nothing happened. I heard something cut the air above my head and looked up. The beast was laying motionless on the ground. My heart started beating again, and I peered around for the attacker. There was a cloaked figure standing a few feet away from me.

"hello?" I whispered. The man simply nodded and turned into a cloud, vanishing before my eyes. My attention turned to the searing pain coming from my leg, I looked down to see blood spreading from a small gash in my leg, I must have got caught on the thorny bush when I fell. I winced and pulled my ankle free, tearing a piece off of my cloak and wrapping it tightly around the gash. I knew how to dress wounds from the age of three hundred, it came naturally and I was skilled at it. I knew that I wouldn't be able to put any weight on it, so I called out for help until my voice strained. 

By dark, I wanted to give up. I was hungry, tired, dirty, and my leg throbbed  viciously for hours. When I was drifting off to sleep, I heard footsteps crunching in the leaves. My heart started racing, what if it was one of Odin's guards? What if it was that man who killed the beast that would have eaten me? 

" S- stay back, I-I've got a knife!" I stuttered, bluffing my own protection. The source of the footsteps just laughed, I could barely see their face in the dim moonlight, but the details I could make out were fuzzy. 

"Who-who are you? Are you going to kill me?" I asked in a pipsqueak voice. They shushed me and brought a hand to my forehead, a light blueish green magic radiating from their palm. I started to protest but was silenced my a wave of relaxation. When I woke up I was in front of a fire, wrapped up in a rough blanket. I started to freak out, was this death? 

"Ah, you're awake child." a feminine sounding voice recorded. " Shh, don't fret, you are going to be okay." 

"Where am I? Who are you? Why did you save me? Am I dead?" I questioned, throwing the blanket off of me and standing up. I realized I could stand and looked at my leg, good as new with a small scar. 

"You are in Kactrounus, I am Gala, you are a small child in need of medical assistance, and no you are not dead. Now, any more questions?" The woman, Gala, said. I widened my eyes, staring at her. 

"I- I, no. Thank you for saving me." I stuttered. Gala raised a thin eyebrow at me, studying my scared face. 

"Good. I got a letter from your father, Sigyn, telling me that you would be hiding here with a dozen more children. I presume the rest are dead?" She asked calmly. I nodded sheepishly. 

"And I'm very sorry to hear that. But what's done is done and there is no fixing it. Now, come, lets get you cleaned up." She put an arm around me and led me to a sink. 

Weeks went by and I learned that my Family was dead, along with the entirety of my people. I cried for days, refusing to eat or talk. When I recovered, Gala taught me that Odin was a horrible tyrant and we would never follow him. I understood, he was the cause of my people being slaughtered. 

I grew up as a farmer and a healer, Gala and her wife teaching me all I needed to know from battle strategy to sewing clothes and building boats. Gala's wife, Erika, was a sailor, so she was gone for weeks at a time, but she would always come back with a smile and some strange shell for my collection. I loved them as if they were my own parents.

When I was about fourteen hundred, Odin'd guards had found me and killed my adoptive mothers, I escaped with only a broken arm, running somewhere, anywhere. I never found another home, I just live don my feet, fending of beasts and hiding from my certain death. 

I decided that Odin should pay for his crimes, so I got myself caught, playing victim like Erika had taught me to do if I was ever found. The guards brought me directly to Odin, the morons. I told him off, he calmly wrote it off as the protection of his people and that if he ever caught me here again I would be punished.

Naturally, I didn't listen. I came back every week, demanding justice. I started getting angry, he never listened. So finally, I tried to fight. I fought my way into the castle, disarming the guards and storming through the pristine corridors until I found the throne room. Some special guards were waiting at the doors, I was subdued and tortured. That was just a day ago, now I'm in a cell somewhere in the depths of the castle, laying unconscious and broken.


A/N omg there are over 1,000 words in this chapter i'm shooketh. The next chapter will have more Loki, I promise. This was just a filler to explain a bit of her backstory. Ok thank you again for reading, please vote and comment and i will see you soon!

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