Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I was late. I was an entire two weeks late. I rang Emma my best friend.

Hello” she answered “who is this?”

Hi Em, it's Ella” I told her

Oh hi Ell”

“Em I'm scared, I'm two weeks late”

Hey I'm sure it's nothing”

Will you come with me to buy a test?”

“ Of course just let me get changed I'll be at yours in ten.”

Thanks” I said quietly but she had already hung up.

Emma was possibly the best friend a girl could have she was funny , kind and supportive. We were like two peas in a pod, and we still are now . She new exactly what I was thinking, and was the person i trusted the most. We were more then just friends, we may as well have been twins.

She stuck to her word and arrived at mine exactly 10 minutes later. “Mum, me and Em are going into town” I called

Ok Sweetie be back before 6, we're having tea at half past” She answered

Ok." I replied.

I love my mum she and my dad are the only family that I'm really able to see, because my mum is adopted and her adoptive parents live in new York, so we barely see them, but they aways send us really expensive presents for birthdays and Christmas. I use to want a sister or brother, but since the first year of high school I have had Em, and she is as good of sister as a real one.

We didn't go into town we went to the chemist around the corner, as it was safer bacuase no one i knew went there. I picked up a pregnancy test and walked to the till. The counter lady stared at me in disgust

Excuse me, are you not a little young to be buying a pregnancy test?” she asked, with an eyebrow raised. I stood and said nothing but I could feel my cheeks heating up and glowing red.

“Hey, that's none of your business, you nosy cow! Who says it's even for her, huh?” Emma butted in. The lady just smirked .

3.99 please”

I handed over the money before picking up the test and heading to the toilets with Emma following me. I walked into the toilet to do the test, I had taken a bottle of water with me so that I could pee. I followed the instructions and waited a few seconds. I held my breath, not daring to look at the little stick that could change my life for ever. But i had to look, i slowly opened my eyes and saw it. To pinks lines were there. I dropped the test to the floor with a clatter. I couldn't beleive it. I was pregnant. I was 14 and i was pregnant. "This can't be right, maybe i've made a mistake", I thought despratley. Tears suddenly leaked from my eyes, my life was over.

 “Here” I heard Emma say as she slid under a second test “Maybe it's just a dud” . It had made that much of a noise when it dropped that she could guess the result . “Thanks” I said, wiping my eyes . I crossed my fingers as I waited for the small symbol to appear. I burst into tears as I saw the pink lines once again appear on the test. I opened the door and received a huge hug from Emma who led me outside to a bench so we could talk about what we or should I say I was going to do.

Are you going to tell Matt or your parents first?” she asked

“Matt” I replied “I'm not telling my parents until I am showing” . She frowned slightly

That won't be easy you know”

I know” I said worriedly.

We will have to sneakily book baby check ups and stuff.” We continued our conversation until I happened to glance at my watch and saw it was five to six. “ I gotta go Em are you coming to mine?” I asked

No sorry I gotta be home by half six as well we're picking my grandparents up from the station. I wish I could” she said giving me smile.

Ok well bye” I said starting to walk in the direction of my home. “Bye” she yelled after me “see you later.”

I arrived home just before 6 and I opened the door with my key “Hello sweetie” Mum called. "Your back before your dad “

I remained silent.

Yes he now wont be getting back until half 6, so dinners at 7, sorry” she told me. I walked into the kitchen where my mum stood

“Can I go to Matts house?” I asked quietly

she hesitated before saying “Ok, but be back before your dad is, you know he doesn't like that boy”

but I was already out of the door as soon as she had said 'OK' I was scared and nervous and to be honest I just wanted to get it over and done with.

15 and PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now