Chapter 5

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I locked myself in a toilet cubicle. I let tears fall rapidly from my eyes.  I heard the door swing open. 

"Ella Ella are you in hear" I heard a knock on the toilet door I was in. It was Emma. I refused to open the door or to speak. "Ella I know your in there I can hear you breathing" She said

"No I'm not" I said Immedietly before giggling when I realised what a stupid mistake I had just made. I opened the door and Emma gave me a huge hug. The thoughts of Matt and the girl came flooding back to me just for a few seconds I had forgotten. "Oh Em what am I going to do?" I asked

"Oh I will tell you what you are going to do" She said

"What?" I enquired 

"You are going to go out there and forget all about Matt . Forget he is your babies dad I will be your babies dad. You will forget he even excisted." I smiled when she offered to be the babies dad.She always knew what to do to make me feel better.

"Thanks Em" I said before hugging her again " Oh and Em" 


"You are the best friend ever !" 

"I know" She said joking " Now lets get out of hear your mum will be wondering where we have gotten to" 

We walked to the door and held our heads high. But when I opened the door my face fell as I set eyes on Matt in front of me. "Look Ella she meant nothing to me" 

"Really? " I said innocently like I believed him 

"Yeah" He said smiling at me.

"Yeah right" I snarled be before slapping him around the face and walking off my head held high.  

"Oh and Matt" I said stopping walking to turn around and look at him 

"Yeah" He said ushering foe me to say what I wanted to.

"I trusted you but you are just like your dad. I don't want you to have anything to do with our baby at all." I turned on my heel and walked to where my mum was standing leaving Matt with his mouth hanging in shock.


We brought so much stuff including a whole bunch of maternity clothes (Pretty ones) , A pram , A bunch of bottles and some adorable baby clothes . Ok so yeah it was a bit early but so what it's better to be prepared right ? 

Emma stayed for tea and by the end of the day I decided that it was better just to forget about Matt and keep to my word by stopping him from having any contact with the baby.

I told mum what had happened and my plans and I'm guessing she told Dad as he came up to my room both to appoligise about the day before and to comfert me about Matt.

"Hun you in  there" He asked knocking on my door

"Yes Dad"I replied He came in and sat on my bed.

"I'm sorry about Matt hunny but you will do much better without him I promise.And also keep the baby you may be young but you will make an amazing mother."

"Thanks ... Daddy" I said. He hugged me and gave me a goodnight kiss. 

"Love you Ella" 

"Love you too Dad" 

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