Chapter 14

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I slid on my dress and picked up my mask.

Em put some make up on me and straightened my hair.

The doorbell rang.

"Go on then go answer the door silly."Em Said

I smiled at her  before rushing down the stairs and opening the door.

"Wow you look beautiful Ella" Jay told me

I blushed

"Thanks" I said

"Umm.This is for you." He said

He gently picked up my hand put on a beautul braclet.

He then took my other hand in his.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked 

I nodded

He led me out to where the beautiful new car he had hired for today was sitting.

He opened my door for me to get in before walking to his side to get into the car himself.We sat in the back with the chaufer in front as Jay himself was to young to drive.

The journey didn't take long but it was silent.

When we arrived he took my hand and led me into the beautiful ballroom hired each year for our dances.

All around us were georgues Balloons.

I spotted Emma with her date who had also picked her up from my house just after we had left.

For the first few danced I danced with my girlfriends.

Suddenly as the song before the last song ended the stage lit up.

On the stage Jay was standing.

He had a microphone in his hand.

He tapped it and a horrible ringing noise set out through the room.

"Oops sorry"He said

Everyone laughed

"Anyway.Alot of you will be wondering why I'm up here.Well I'm on the stage because I would like to formally ask my date to become my girlfriend."

I could swear I felt eyes on me but  know one knew I was his girlfriend.

Everything had happened so quickly he had never had the time to ask me.

"Ella.Ella where are you."

Then everyones eyes were on me.

You would have thought there would have been more then one Ella but no I was the only Ella in the school. 

A parting split to leave only me standing in the middle.

"Ella.I promise to treat you well and to never cheat on you like that idiot of an ex boyfriend you had.I know I don't deserve you but I love you.I will be there for the kids and you.Ella will you be my girlfriend."

Everyone looked at me expectantly.

"Yes.Yes ofcourse I will."

Nearly everyone in the room began to clap even a few of the teachers.

A slow song began to play and he approached me.

Everyone was still watching us.

He took my hand and we slowly began to dance.

We knew there were others there but it felt like it was just us.

Slowly other couples began to dance together but we barely noticed.

He gently placed his lips on mine.I kissed him back.

It truly was the best spring formal ever. 

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