Chapter 3

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It was the 22nd of November a week before I planned to tell them I was pregnant. School was harder then ever being about 5 weeks pregnant and I was so tired all the time. I had morning sickness that wasnt in the morning. I passed it off as if I was sick at least mum and dad let me stay off school for a week and let me relax in my bed but I couldn't stay off any longer or they would get worried and take me to the docters and well they would tell me I'm pregnant but find me on the system and realise that I already knew I was pregnant. I had a slight bump but I managed to hide it under my clothes. I was confused becasue I knew that you were not supposed to have a bump until you were 2 or 3 monthes through the pregnancy some even appeared at 4 monthes. I just passed it off as my baby being very big which was possible everyone in my family was tall.I Kind of just forgot about it.

That morning Emma knocked on my door. We usually walked to school together. "Ella! Emma is here ! " My mum told me

"Ok Mum I'm coming" I skipped down the stairs and went into my kithcen were Emma was happily munching on some toast.

"Em your such a pig I bet thats your second breakfast " I said jokily

"Ella! You can't talk I've seen you stuffing your face with donoughts every day. " Mum scolded while staring at my belly.

"Sorry I was hungry" I answered but in my head I was screaming "I'm pregnant I am not fat it is my baby bump and Donoughts are my cravings." of course I couldn't say so

"Well eat some real food" she said " anyway you to off to school or you'll be late."

"Ok Bye" I yelled dragging Em out of the kitchen and into the hallway then through our front door. As soon as we were out of the house Emma burst out laughing.

"She , She , she thought you were getting fat" She said barely breathing she was laughing so hard.

"Ha ha very funny Em" I retaliated she sobered up a bit.

"So only one more week" she said

"Until? " I asked

"Your first scan" She answered "How could you forget"

" Sorry Pregnancy forgetfullness I guess" I tried

"Sure blame it in Amber" Amber was the name that me and Matt had decided to call our baby if it was a girl. Matt had been so distance he was always to busy to hang out he was always working or something so we hadn't had time together to think of a boys name but I liked names that were also colours so far I have been edging towards Hunter you know like Hunter green. Matt worked at his dads shop. It had good pay but he told me it was really boring so why did he want to spend more time there ? I guess he thinks he needs to spend more money on the baby yeah thats probably it although money wasnt a problem for us probably because of my grandparents. The ones that lived in New York well there as rich as the Prime minester pretty much I mean Grandpa once brought mum a dress that cost over $12,000 and it was for her 16th birthday. What 16 year old would need a dress worth over $12,000 it's miraculous. Infact until mum met dad she was nick named the spoilt little rich chick and everyone thought she was so lucky. But I don't think she was very luck after all she lost both her parents and her unborn baby sister in a house fire when she was 11 and I don't think thats very lucky at all.

Anyway we arrived at school in about 5 minutes as we only lived around the corner. I saw Matt but he just walked past so I don't think he saw me at least I hope he didn't . In homeroom me and Em were together. We had most lessons together except for German (she took french), English and Math. We had all three of those lessons today "I'll text you so keep your phone on and ofcourse we shall meet up for Break and lunch and then we have drama together" Em told me. Drama was my favourite lesson of all time I just adored it like mad. "Ok" I replied. Mr Right walked in then . Mr Right had been our Homeroom tutor since the first year of highschool.After he took the register we headed to our lessons I went to get my phone out of my bag but discovered that I didn't have it. I turned to tell Emma that I had left my phone at home but she had already headed to her french lesson. Oh well I guess I'll just get her texts when I get home. I sighed this was going to be one boring German lesson.

At break I met up with Emma. "Hey. How did you forget about your scan twice in one day?" She asked

"What do you mean I left my phone at home?" I told her

"Oh My God Ella I am so sorry!" She said "I think I may have told one of your parents you were pregnant"

"No,No,No !" I said this could so not be good.

Emma's P.O.V

i Turned on my phone french was such a bore. I texted Ell like I said I would.

Hi Ell

I got a text back soon after


I can't believe it's only a week away .

Em xx

Until What ?

Ell xx

How could she forget about her baby scan twice in one day.

Your Scan

Em xx

What Scan?

Ell xx

Was she really this forgetful

Your baby Scan

Em xx

Oh Sorry Yeah . Pregnancy forgetfulness?

Ell xx

God you are so drippy Ella. Ooh gotta go Mr Sir is coming over. *sigh*

Em xx

Okay Bye

Ella xxx

"Emma" Mr Richard who everyone just called mr sir called

"Yes Sir" I answered

"What is the answer A,B,C or D?" He asked

"Um A sir" I replied

"Correct. Well done Miss Johnson." he said before going to pick on someone else he didn't think was paying attention. I hated mr Sir. He was so mean.

Ella's POV

I couldn't believe it Emma had accidentely just told my mum about me being pregnant . The day was over really quickly simply because I wanted it to go slowly. I didn't want to go home.

When I reached my front door I opened it with my key hoping to be able to sneak upstairs without anyone noticing but of course I had no such luck "Ella Come into the front room I think you,me and your father need to have a little talk" I heard my mum call and I shut my eyes breathed in walked to the front room door.

An openend it ...


My dedication goes to the first commentor on this story

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