Chapter #4 "Flight"

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                                                                    *******Nat's POV*******

        I was next in line to order and Jc didn't tell me what he wanted to eat. Just as I turned my head towards where the boys bathroom is, Jc came walking out. The lady in front of me had finished her order, I motioned rapidly with my hand for Jc to run over to me so we could order. "Hi," Jc spoke, "can we get an order of mac'n'cheese for the lady," he spoke politely, "and a flatbread ham and cheese with a large strawberry smoothie?" "Sure you can." the man behind the counter kindly replied. While the man prepared our food, I whispered to Jc. "There is no way in hell it took you that long to take a leak,what were you doing in there?" I said curiously. "Nothing..." "Ugh, Whatever." I said making sure to let him know I was annoyed. He shook it off, I could tell. The man returned with our food, "Here you two young love birds go." he spoke with glee. Me and Jc looked at each other and started laughing, like, really hard. "What, did I say something wrong." "Uhm yeah kind of, we're not dating we're brother ans sister!" I said still gasping for air. The man joined in the laughter with us, "Hahaha my mistake! Sorry about that!" "No worries," Jc said still laughing a little, "It happens more often than you'd think." "Okay, run along now." he said. "Okay, will do, sir." Jc said walking away.

                                                                        *******Jc's POV*******

"That was hilarious." I said to Natalie. "Yeah I know, right? I literally have a headache from laughing so hard." "I know the feeling, but, if your serious I bought some aspirin just incase." "Yeah I think I should take some." The pills are the ones that make you really tired, I don't want her uneasy 'cause when she's uneasy, I'm uneasy. "Okay, lemme grab them out of my bag." I grabbed the bottle and took out two, "Here you go." I said giving her the pills. "Thanks." she said smiling shyly. She swallowed the pills without hesitation, and I was beginning to feel guilty because she didn't know that they were the drowsy pills. We walked down to the waiting area until they called for flight A7. Me and Natalie got onto the plain sat down, and before we even took off, she was asleep. I put on my headphones and listened to some music, until eventually I fell asleep.

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