08 | ralph macchio

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"ralph after you two had broke up, and how he'd said things he regretted"

"ralph after you two had broke up, and how he'd said things he regretted"

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"im so god damn stupid" ralph said out loud to nobody in particular. he was currently sitting on his front porch, wondering why the hell he lost you over something stupid.

ralph had been ditching you a lot for his friends, and the night of your 1 year anniversary he bailed on you, saying he had made "previous plans" ages ago. you'd planned an entire night for the two of you, only for it to be wasted. the night ended with you in tears and ralph regretting every single word he said to you. he'd told you that he could find someone better, someone that wouldn't worry about him or get upset all the time. but that was exactly what he loved about you, the way you worried for him when he got hurt.

at this moment, you were curled up in a ball in your bed, tissues surrounding you. you weren't usually the one to cry, as you showed people your tough exterior. y/brothers/n had tried to get you out of bed many times, but failed miserably. you wouldn't tell him what had happened. although he knew what really did happen, as he heard it from one of ralph's friends. taking matters into his own hands, for the safety of you and your sad star, your brother decided to pay your ex boyfriend a little visit.

y/b/n slowly walked through the gate of ralph's house, only to be met with his face sitting on the front porch. the tow exchanged hellos before your brother sat down next to him.

"i heard what happened between you and my sister" he said, glancing over at the younger boy.

"are you here to hit me? cause' i really deserve that right now" ralph said, scratching his neck. your brother let out a low chuckle, patting him on the back.

"as much as id love to, i would never do that to y/n" he said. the sound of your name sent spirals around ralph's head, memories of you two slowly coming back.

"i wasn't gonna say this, but i changed my mind. you're a good kid ralph, and my y/n deserves the whole world. what you did to her really hurt her though, and im she not sure if she's gonna forgive you. she's literally been in bed for the past three days crying, and she wouldn't tell me anything, so much that i had to go to one of the kids at your school and ask what happened. and no, i don't hate you kid, i just hate to see my sister so sad all the time" y/b/n finally finished his speech, and ralph was absolutely speechless. he didn't like hearing the pain he caused you and how sad you are at the moment.

"and hey, if you get her back, please treat her right" y/b/n finished, before getting up and walking back through the gate.

and in that moment, ralph knew that he had to get his baby back.

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