Chapter Twenty Nine.

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Shoutout to @jordan292001 for commenting! :D

Song: Alive by the one and only

*annoying japananese voice from movie*

woune Diirection !


I updated extra early for you lovely people! Wow summer went by so fast..... :(.

Stay Strong,




I panicked.

" T-that's me," I say shyly. I don't know what to say. I feel like if at any moment I say something wrong, then he will hurt me. His hurtful words and his punches he throws at me are engraved in my mind.

" So how are you doing? Golly, the last time I saw you was-"

" When I left Michigan because I was bullied by you." I snap, a glare present on my face. " And no, I'm not fine at all."

" Look, Chloe-"

" No! Don't look! Brock, I left Michigan for a reason, and that was to be away from YOU!"

People were staring, but I wasn't done with this douché bag just yet.

" You know what you did to me?! You and your stupid 6-year old self bullying me RUINED MY FRICKIN LIFE!!!" I yell. " And I STILL, after all of these years, STILL have nightmares about you." I say, putting my finger to his extremely large and bulky chest. My eyes start to water, but I wasn't going to let myself cry.

The whole restauraunt was dead silent, except for the people ordering food, which if coarse were where the boys are. They don't even know what is happening right now.

" Okay, I tried to be nice. I came here to apologise." He says, but tha'ts NOT going to cut it.

" Well you shouldnt've come here in the first place!! Because I am never EVER going to forgive you for-"

And that's when it came. Brock threw a punch, right on my cheek. It had so much force, it knocked me over. I couldn't move. The boys must've seen him, because they rushed over here.

" Chloe, love, what happened?" Zayn asked as he kneeled next to me. Right now my head is on the booth, and the rest of my body...... Somewhere beneath.

He touches my cheek, where Brock punched me. I flinch. It feels very bruised. Zayn looks worried.

" Brock..." I manage to get out. I am so weak.... my vision is getting blurry.

" Chloe, stay with me, please," I can barely hear Zayn say. He grabs my hand quickly, before I almost slip out of consiousness. Just those words give me some strength. Zayn helps me out of my very uncomfortable spot, so now I am standing up. Zayn hands me over to Louis, who catches me just as I am falling over.

" Is this the lad that bullied you?" He asks, pointing to Brock. I nod, not able to do anything else.

" You." Zayn says as he huffs over to Brock. " You stay away from my girlfriend." He says, furious.

" Oh, no. I'm sooo scared." Brock sarcastically says, rudely. " What are you gonna do? Sing me a song? And live while wer-" before he could finish, Liam kicks him in the back. Before I could register it, they are both fighting Brock. Throwing punches, all of it.

" Niall! Call the cops!" I yell to him, because he is the only one empty-handed. Louis is still holding me. I am grateful, because I would've not been able to stand if he hadn't. Soon enough, Niall is talking to the cops on his phone, ordering them to come as quick as possible.

Zayn and Liam have bruises everywhere, and Liam even has a black eye. They are having a fight, right in the middle of McDonalds.

The cops come in the door. Niall rushes over to them. When Liam and Zayn see the cops, they back away from Brock, holding their hands up in surrender. Before I know it, they are taking Brock away.I see in the window the cops putting handcuffs on his hands, and shoving him in the backseat. He is going to jail.

Zayn comes over and wraps me in a hug. I feel his muscles are weaker.

" Are you okay?" I ask.

" Yeah." He silenly chuckles. " You?"

" Fine." I say, still catching my breath. " I'm perfectly fine. Just a little hungry."

We sit down, and eat our lunch in peace. What I mean by peace is that the whole place was completely empty due to the big fight. I am happy that Brock will probably not dare to try to hurt me again.

Hopefully not.



We have been walking around for a while, so we decide to stop at a little café on the main drag of Disney World. There are a bunch of little kids dressed up in princess dresses. I feel like a little kid again. We order tea, and sit down at a little table with little chairs that Harry can barely fit in right outside. We are both kneeling so much that are knees are practically touching our chests.

" How is your tea, Darling?" Harry says in a posh british accent, even more posh than before. He slowly takes a sip of his tea, making sure to keep his pinkies up.

" It is just divine, sir." I try to say in a british accent, but epically fail. I sound more like a walrus on steroids, not kidding.

Harry takes out his phone. He turns it sideways, probably taking a picture.

" Smile!" He says. I end up just hiding my gigantic grin behind my tea cup as he takes a picture.

" Tara, we're in Disney World! You have to smile!" He laughs.

" This is all you're getting from me, Harold."


Well there you go!

made sure to update extra early for you guys ;) And the picture that Harry took will be uploaded later!

Update: The picture is there on the sideee!! ;) and if you can't see it, just look up " Emily Rudd in Disney World" on Google, and it should be one of the first things that come up!!

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